Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*AShade watches Shade walk away.*
"Yes.... right that way Shade...."

(Zigg, can I go through with my new character?)
*Hears and sees Silver yell.*
"What! Help who? What's going on?"
*Shade was ready. At the last moment, he holds his blade to the Weavile's heart, so when he leaped at Shade he impaled himself. Grins.*
"Not too tough now, are you?"
*Slashes at the Zangoose.*
(*Overcom voice*"SS! please report to the Twilight RPG, thank you." Lol, school is so boring...)
Shannon starts to trash around in her sleep.
(*Screamz* "Im in trouble!" :p)
*The Weavile growls at AShade*
Weavile: "You are not supposed to kill him"
*The Weavile seems unhurt by Shade's attacks*
*The Zangoose grabs Jade*
*Kicks AShade away.*
"I don't know who or what you are, but I honestly don't care."
*Cuts the Zangoose in half.*
*When Shade trys to cut the Zangoose nothing happens. The Zangoose smirks mockingly*
Weavile: "You powers are useful. But to bring our master back to our world we need ALL of the powers"
(Shade isn't suprised that AShade looks exactly like Shade?)
"Basically... you."
*AShade swings his dagger at Shade.*
*Kicks the dagger out of AShade's hands. Grabs it. twirls the two weapons and leaps at him.*
(He's learned to not question these things and just go with it :p)
*They all hear a low growling*
Giratina: "What are you doing!? We are not to kill them yet! Put them back into thier cage for now"
*Winces in pain, but leaps at Giratina. Teleports behind him mid-leap and cuts off one of his wing-claws.*
"Time to die, Giratina!"
*Slashes at him.*
*Falls to the ground.*
"N-no... There are too many.... People counting on me... To give up now..."
*Fights through the pain and stands. Weakly tries attacking Giratina again.*
*Kicks the Weavile off. Grabs Jade and kicks the Zangoose away.*
"... A time to fight and a time to run..."
*Puts Jade on his back and sprints for the portal.*
*The Weavile and Zangoose run after him but are to late. Jade and Shade returns to their world by the human school that Garret and Sarah are*
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