Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Makes a full sprint for Team Destiny's base.*
"If I can get to the base... I can activate the shields... Then we'll be safe..."
*Sees the base not too far away.*
*Gets inside the base. When Jade gets inside, he pulls a switch. A forcefield appears around the base.*
(I'm Not really sure If i'm even In this anymore...Um...what happened to My Chareter and when should i come in again?)
"Team Destiny's Base. The safest place I know of... No one with evil in their hearts can get through that barrier."
"No, you're not. And that's my final word."
*Gets a new sword. Puts all the weapons on his back and walks out of the forcefield. Makes it so that Jade can't leave the forcefield.*
"I'll be back."
*Runs off.*
Shannon was at a feild on her nees, sobbing. A Pokemon was standing above her.
"You have to do it Shannon!" the unkown Pokemon growled
"No.No!" Her voice broke."I-I can't do it. I can't leave him again..."
"It's you or Sarah. You really woundn't want her to be push out of her own body, would you? Poor Sarah, she would have to start all over again.."
Shannon sobbed harder.
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