Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"It was hard to tell because mine and Sarah's was mixxed together..."
(Gtg...I hate having to go to bed early, but I get up a 5:30, so yeah..=/)
*Silver hears rustling in the bushes*
Silver: "What was that?"
*She walks over getting ready to attack. Shade sees Shade*
Silver: "SHADE!"
Silver: "YOUR OK!"
*She kisses him again then looks up worridly*
Silver: "Did you see Giratina? Did you get hurt? Where is Jade?!"
*She looks around trying to find Jade*
(Lol i actualy just do them randomly. On this one and theLugia one i used Neon colors then swirled them)
Silver: "Shade, were is Jade?"
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