Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Because," the Pokémon began, stepping out of the shadows. He was a Lucario.
"Everytime another soul enters a body, the body get's over filled and one soul gets kicked out. This is slow most of the time. But for some odd reason, with Shannon and Sarah, it's going quicker. And if a soul gets kicked out, it becomes a..." he took a deep sigh..."A baby..."
"... I have an idea. What if I made them into one soul? And before you say anything, yes, I can do that. The fused soul would have a fractured mind, more commonly known as a split personality disorder."
The Lucario didn't answer and Shannon looked up from her tear filled hands.
"No Garret...I-I couldn't do t-that to Sarah." Her voice broke again.
"You're already like that. I'm going to do it."
*Leaves her dream. Puts his paw on her forehead and concentrates. Begins fusing their souls.*
Shannon murmered something in her sleep and was still. Her unconsious breathing was slow and even.
Shannon opened her eyes,
"Urgh, my head hurts...It does? Yes, wait...Am I talking to myself? No, are you? Maybe...I don't think...Garret..."
"... Um... This is confusing..."
(haha this is gonna be fun. Just so you know, though, with a split personality, while they do OCCASIONALLY talk to themselves, one of them usually remains in control and they talk in their mind, and they switch control every once and awhile.)
Shannon mumbled something to herself. Her face expression changed to shock.
"He did WHAT?! Great, now when I'm talking to Shannon, I'll be talking to myself..."
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