Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Warden: "... ok."
*Shadow handcuffs appear around Emix. OShade's chains vanish, and he falls to the floor. They're led to a room. Inside is a place to put your head, and an axe. OShade rests his head into the wood.*
*Swings it at OShade's neck. Suddenly, at the last second, OShade's rear paws catch the axe and redirect it. It flies into the Warden's heart.*
Warden: 0_0 "You... little... rat..."
*Collapses. Emix's handcuffs vanish. OShade grabs the axe and uses it to cut the Tyranitar's spine in two. It collapses.*
(What are you doing on at this time Haley o_O This is the time I get up for school(Yes, 5:00...) xD)
*Shannon walks in and sees Garret.*
Shannon:"Is he still sleeping? Wow..."
(lol i was reading the beginning of the rpg. I got ta pg. 88. lol, Dogmeat was SOOO annoying!)
*Smiles and gets. Up.*
"Thanks, Shannon." ^_^
*Starts eating.I

(*yawn* imma go 2 sleep... bai)
(2 A.M? O_O")
*Marrisa appeared beside Cacey. She looked down at Shade.
"Someone's not exactly full of good luck."
*She reached to pick up Shade.
"Quick, we need to get out of here. They're not far off."
*Marrisa wiped some off Shade's blood off with her paw. She sniffed it.
No, this is normal Umbreon blood.
"Let's go."
*Marrisa started to run.
(Hey guys. I'm really sorry, but I'm grounded for at least a month, so I won't be on... :( However, that doesn't mean you should stop posting! Create new plotlines, ditch Shade, Garret and OShade, imagine they left for awhile, I dunno. Just DON'T LET THIS RPG DIE!!! Turn it into a chat thread if you have to! Just please, keep it alive. For me... And for all of us who have put so much effort into keeping this thread alive... Ill see you all as soon as I can. For now, goodbye...)
Marrisa: "..."
*She just looked at Hidj and back at Emix, her face unchanging.
*Hidj attempts to make conversation*
"So... the weather..."
*Emix slaps him across the face.*
E: "Let's go after that army."
(lol, read through the beginning of the RPG. Dogmeat WAS annoying, as was Full Moon. XD)
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