Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Well, actually, something happened and now Hidj is a normal Vaporeon DX)
H: "Shade!"

E: "Warden, I'm very thirsty. Do you have any blood I could drink?"
*Shade curls up, exhausted.*

Warden: "Drink your own."
OShade: "Phew... That was close... Emix, you can't ASK for him to come here, or he'll torture us!"
(Come on, 42. Get back on...)
*Marrisa flicked her tail and adjusted her cloak.
"But no mater how things look the same, they're always different in one way."
*Marrisa turned around.
"Take care of Shade. I'll handle things from here."
*She heads into that direction.
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