Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Marrisa looks around.
"Desperate need, you say? Then Fate didn't just happen to land me here by accidence. What are you pursuing?"
*Marrisa's eyes narrowed.
"... I see. Is this the only haven from such destruction?"
"I'm not sure. I just came here because I was being chased. You don't have to stay if you don't want to."
*A hyper beam lances over their heads.*
"NO! They've found me!!!"
*Marrisa turned and jumped up onto a tree branch, ready to react for the next attack.
What enemies lie in this foreign place?
*Shade starts sprinting away. He holds his paw out, and a ball of pure Light Energy fires out of it. The ball guides itself to one of the assailants, a large Tyranitar. It hits him, and he collapses. The Tyranitar vanishes into the shadows.*
*Marrisa knew the only reason a person would retreat while attacking was because there was too many to face. She blew an ice beam at the ground and rapidly made a web-like wall of ice to delay their attack, whether to try to break it or go around.
*She immediately followed Shade.
*The army immediately smashes the wall. Shade growls. He grabs Cacey and Marissa and leaps into the air, holding them each in one arm. His fur begins to change. It becomes white and wavy, and his eyes, rings, and markings all turn skyblue. He's completely become a being of light.*
"Hold on tight."
*He flies away from the forest at top speed, creating 9 sonicbooms and leaving behind a comet-like trail.*
Marisa jumps onto the ground when Shade stopped running.
"As expected, the opponent's never easy to bring down... however, you seem more than capable of taking them all."
Shade: "There's way too many for even me to take on..."
*His fur, eyes, and rings go back to normal. Collapses, exhausted.*
"That really... Took it out... of me..."

*OShade wakes up.*
*Emix is trotting around, dark circles under her eyes. Notices OShade*
"I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. I was trying to figure out how to get out of here."

*Hidj notices Shade and rushes to him*
"Hey, shade! Remember me?"
(Yeah, your previous post made that clear. And I clearly didn't read clearly.)
*Marrisa looks to the sky, saying nothing.
OShade: "Emix, there is no way out of here... Now get some rest..."

*Shade weakly smiles.*
"H-hidj... Long time... No see..."
E: "There must be something... everyone has at least one weakness, and I'm going to find out what this Warden's weakness is."

*Hidj smiles*
"Need a little help here?"
Shade: "I'm... Fine..."

OShade: O_O "No, Emix, don't call-"
*The Warden appears.*
OShade: "... The Warden..."
Warden: "WHAT?!"
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