Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*OShade kisses her.*

*Garret tosses Hyo a badge with an extravagant D on it.*
"That doubles as a communicator. Welcome to Team Destiny. We basically keep the world safe..."

*Hyourinmaru looks at the badge. He moves it around in his paws and then start chewing on it.*

(Lol, I love Hyourinmaru XD)
*Suddenly everyone heard pawsteps coming from behind the bushes, when they turned around it was Tera*
"There you pests are! Now that I've got a lot of people here why don't I just beat one of you at a time! That would be a nice way to start my New World... Starting with YOU Garret!"
*Tera ran towards Garret with a "Tera-Blade" in hand, this time going so fast that he couldn't dodge*
"This move is to fast for you Garret! There's no way to dodge this atta-"
*She froze right before she hit Garret*
Wh-what's going on?! Why am I frozen like this?!
*Then Garret heard a voice, that only he could here*
"Get rid of her Garret! You may not be able to get rid of a shadow for good, but you CAN keep yourself safe NOW! Un-Make her!"
Garret: "... Aira..."
*Nods. Places his paw on Tera's head. Her molecules begin tearing themselves up, one at a time, and it is excruciatingly painful.*
"Tera, you hhave committed crimes unforgiveable by any law. In light of this, your punishment shall be eternal nothingness."
*rips his paw from her face. She vanishes.*
"It... is done..."
*Aira slid right in front of Garret*
"Garret! Are you okay?"
*She looked at the spot Tera was standing at*
Sure she was my Ancestor... But she never changed her path like she should have... It's all done now, good-bye... Mother...
*Aira shed a tear*
*She put him onto her back*
"Let's find somewhere to rest. We can go back to your house maybe. But it's all torn up... I'm so sorry I got you into all this mess..."
*She tried to hide her joy, but she let out a small smile when Garret nuzzled her. Then whispered to Garret*
*She looked at everyone else*
I just don't trust them..
"Well, I guess it's back to your house? If I re-call there were quite a few beds. Which we're going to need if you've got a whole team that stays together."
"Yeah. It was originally the base for Team Destiny... I guess it's going back to that..."
*Begins to doze.*
Marrisa smiled, she was sitting up, looking at him.
She was wearing a sapphire necklace.
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