Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*In response, he shakes his head.*
"Nothing... This place just has a lot of memories for me. Some that I don't care to remember..."
*Smiles. Wes walks up to them with the Finneon.*
Wes: "Two orders of pepper lemon Finneon."
*Puts them on the table.*
Shade: "I swear the team gets faster everyday, Wes."
*Wes bows.*
Wes: "We live to serve."
*Shade tosses him a platinum coin. Wes grins and heads downstairs.*
Shade: "Dig in."
*Takes a small bite of the unusually large Finneon.*
Marrisa licked her lips and took a rather small bite. Her eyes widened.
*It's at least 100x better than anything she's ever tasted. Wes walks off.*
Shade: "Like it?"
*Takes another bite.*
Marrisa chewed and gulped it down.
"My world's need some of your world's cooks."
"It was~"
Marisa nuzzles OShade.
"That was delicious... but not as tasty as you were..."
"... Yes. However, it will take awhile..."
(brb. long post)

*Closes his eyes.*
"When I was born, a prophecy was made. It stated that a great evil would rise, and my sister and I would have to stop it. 17 years later, I came to a valley. This valley, to be exact. Inside was an ancient city that had been there for millennia... I was astonished to find my ex-mate, Tera, absorbing a giant orb of darkness... She had vanished without a trace one day, and I assumed she was dead, so you can imagine my surprise. She nearly killed me, but with my sister's help, I defeated her. I later learned that I had fulfilled a prophecy that had been around for centuries. *sigh* Everytime I come here, I'm reminded of Tera..."
*Aira started to head towards the house*
I'm just wondering if it's too dangerous for me to be so close to someone Light... You may not be able to hurt a Shadow, but you can rid of them with Light. I know I can trust him though... Or at least I hope.
"Hey Garret... If Tera was after Shade then why did she send me to kill you? I was assigned to rid of both of you, but she said to get rid of you first. Why would she be worried about you? Isn't Shade the main thing we were looking for? I just want to find out who she was really after. You or Shade?"
Marrisa closed her eyes, and ice formed at her paw, inside it, a golden locket. The ice melts away, and she opens the locket, looking at it.
*Doesn't even look to see the picture, merely smiles a bit.*
"... I don't even need to look at that picture to know who it is. It's Koji, isn't it?"
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