Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Whispers* "We're in the past. Now watch..."
*Tera completely absorbs the crystal. It's fused to her heart, and a small portion of it is visible where her heart is.*
Tera: "I've done it... I've become the Dark One..."
*She begins to laugh maniacally. She waves her paw, and dozens of Shadow-Pokemon appear. Their eyes are dark and soulless.*
Tera: "Go. Begin destroying this town. Leave no one alive..."
*They hasten to obey her commands. Screams and explosions are heard outside. Tera continues raising Shadow-Pokemon until she has an army of millions waiting just outside the temple. The town is completely destroyed, all of it's inhabitants dead.*
Marrisa gasps and falls back, her paw at her chest. She was shivering.
"Wait... why are you showing me this?"
*Whispers* "You said you wanted to see it."
*Suddenly, a bright light fills the room. Several of the Shadow Pokemon dissolve into shadows, and shouts are heard outside.*
???: "Come on! We've gotta get through!!!"
*Marissa can see a small band of Eeveelutions and an Absol fighting the army. One of them looks like a cross between an Espeon and an Umbreon. It's holding a silver, double-sided blade. It fires a massive Twilight Blast, destroying hundreds of Shadow-Pokemon in one blow.*
Jolteon: "We'll hold them off. Get Tera!"
Espeon/Umbreon mix: "But-"
Vaporeon: "Shade, this is your destiny, not ours. You can do it. We believe in you... Now go!"
*Past Shade nods and runs into the room. Tera growls.*
Tera: "Shade..."
*Past Shade growls right back at her.*
Past Shade: "You're going to pay for what you did to these people... This ends now..."
Tera: "Oh really? And who's going to end it? You? A complete moron who tried to play the hero, just because he was born with special powers? Give me a break."
*Past Shade growls fiercely and hurls his blade at her. She catches it and tosses it aside. He leaps at her, firing several Twilit Orbs in rapid succession. She dodges all but one, which sends her flying back.*
Tera: "OOF!"
Past Shade: "It's over Tera."
*He walks up to her and points his blade at her throat.*
Past Shade: "Goodbye..."
Tera: "Wait!!! I surrender... Please, have mercy..."
Past Shade: ".... Very well."
*Past Shade's blade vanishes. He helps Tera up... And she plunges three Dark-Ice daggers into his heart. He gasps, choking out blood.*
Tera: "You always were gullible..."
*Past Shade collapses, dead.*
??? "SHADE!!!"
*An eevee runs in, sobbing. She shakes Shade's body.*
"No... Please, Shade, no!!!"
Tera: *mockingly* "I'm so sorry, SpottedTalon. I don't know what I was thinking..."
*SpottedTalon sobs into Shade's fur. A haze begins to fill the room.*
Tera: "What is this?!"
???: "SpottedTalon... Run..."
ST: "But-"
???: "NOW!"
*She nods and sprints out of the temple. The haze collects together in the shape of an Umbreon. Shade's Spirit launches itself at Tera, shattering the crystal in a massive explosion. Tera's scream rattles the entire cave, and her body fades into a mist. Shade's Spirit closes it's eyes and begins to fade. It slowly changes into a baby eevee. SpottedTalon runs in and picks up the Eevee, which is fast asleep.*
ST: "... Shade..."
*She kisses it's forehead and walks out, holding it. The Shadow Army vanishes.*
OShade: "So now you know what happened..."
Marrisa frowns, somewhat in unknown anxiety.
"And Shade eventually returned to life?"
(Sorry for dissapearing. I just don't know what to do whenever charidude, or TSL don't post. I don't want to leave them hanging by making them get to the house. And I don't know what to say if they don't get there.)
"Yeah... Shade did..."
*Closes his eyes.*
"But I didn't."
*Looks at the dead Umbreon body.*
"My body lies there, even in our time..."
Marrisa nods.
"Is it not possible to revitalize the body, so even when Shade makes a comeback, you can still be around?"
Marrisa wags her tail in mock amusement.
"Because as long as Shade has the possibility of coming back to life, you're never going to be safe, for you aren't anchored to your current body. Moment he comes back, your life will be drained back into him again. Am I wrong on this?"
She grins.
"Better safe than sorry. Besides, my spell is constantly reusable as long there's enough power in the user, AKA me. Since your spirit is right besides the original body, the needed energy is minimal. However..."
"Restoring life permanently still requires much energy. I still need to sacrifice about ten lives for this."
She shrugs.
"Better than the task of ten million for Koji at least..."
Marrisa smiles, actually giddy at the thought.
"I don't know, go nab some criminals, and that's that."
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