Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Shadaria opens his/ her eyes. He/She falls apart, back into Shade and Solaria.*
Shade- "Absol! NO!"
*Absol has almost completely faded.*
Absol- "Don't worry, Shade. This... Is my lifetime's work. I am proud to have called you... brother..."
*He closes his eyes and fades completely. Shade falls to the ground in tears.*
Dark One- "Well, that was less than convenient. But no matter, no matter. While you're in your singular bodies you're even easier to-"
*Shade's eyes snap open. They're completely red. Solaria's eyes turn completely blue. Shade's fur becomes shadowy and whispy, while Solaria's become's pure white and wavy. Shade leaps into the air, red shadow blade in hand. Solaria makes a blue light blade and attacks.*
Shade- "YOU!!!"
*He slashes at the Dark One, who steps back in surprise.*
*The Dark One forms two shadow scimitars and tries to fight them, but Shade and Solaria's fury is too strong. Finally, Shade plunges his blade into the Dark One's chest.*
Shade- "Your reign of terror ends now!"
*The glaceon collapses, gasping.*
*Alec is sent flying into the Temple wall leaving a print of his body in the wall. "Tch. This is begining to get annoying. SHEET LIGHTING!!!"
*The Dark One's body lies dead. Shade continues stabbing it ferociously. Solaria puts a light-clad paw on his shoulder and shakes her head. He nods and calms down. He returns to normal and sees SpottedTalon.*
Shade- "SpottedTalon!"
*he runs to her.*
"Arceus gave it to me when I came to this world. I lied to you. It wasn't my duty to kill Full Moon." she gasped.
*The army disappears. The rayquaza vanishes just as it's about to defeat Alec. Bell cheers and leaps into the valley and towards the temple, looking for Shade.*
Bell- "Shadeypoo?"

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
"Arceus gave it to me when I came to this world. I lied to you. It wasn't my duty to kill Full Moon." she gasped.

Shade- "Wait... you remember everything? And what was your duty, then?"
*Bell frowns and walks towards them. Shade growls and puts up a shadow barrier around him and SpottedTalon.*
Bell- "Aww, Shadeypoo, let me in!"
*Shade closes his eyes and suddenly the barrier is soundproof.*
Shade- "You were saying?"
"I have another job to do. That's why I had to die..I had to join the StarClan, gather the spirts, and stop the star." she murmered. "The problem is that I couldn't fall in love. Now I don't know what to do" she whispered, tring to hold on to her conscious.
" you didn't. My desteiny is laid out and your part of it. When I was a part of the StarClan for the few moment I was dead, the told me something."She tried to stand but fell back down."They said...They said.."She went unconscious.
*Shade closes his eyes and the barrier disappears. Bell's voice becomes distinguishable.*
Bell- "... didn't think about me when he did it!"
*Shade looks at the others.*
Shade- "Thank you all for your help. I am going to take SpottedTalon to a healing spring. I think something's wrong. I'll be back soon."
*Shade teleports them to a spring and gently dips her in the water.*
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