*Shade walks outside and sees Damian. He forms a Shadow Blade.*
Shade- "Who are you?"
Shade- "Who are you?"
PokeChamp said:Damian walked through the dead bodies of the slain army. He was disgusted at the immense sight of death before him.
"Who could have done this?"
Ziggoratt999 said:*Shade nods to her. His Shadow Blade vanishes. He relaxes.*
Shade- (So only SPottedTalon can hear.) 'SpottedTalon? I'm... I don't think we'll be able to join the StarClan like you begged me to a while ago. I'm sorry, but I don't think the world can survive without us. Please don't be upset.'
PokeChamp said:"Fine. You seem ridden of evil. Are you in need of any assistance, noble Pokemon?"