BW/BW2 Eeveelutions

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I personally think that a steel type Eeveelution would not look so good.

On the other hand, I think a dragon evolution would be cool.
I just hope that they won't get too carried away with the eeveelutions.
Ghost, Steel, Ground, Rock, and Dragon. I've done all these with fakes, so I'd say we should see at least one of new type of Eeveelution. Though, if it's Ghost, I definitely hope they incorporate hatred somehow in its evolution.
ArceusTrainer said:
If you think this way:

Vaporeon ---> Highest stat is HP
Jolteon ---> Highest stat is Speed
Flareon ---> Highest stat is Attack
Espeon ---> Highest stat is Special Attack
Umbreon ---> Highest stat is Special Defense
Leafeon ---> Highest stat is Defense
Glaceon ---> Highest stat is Special Attack

I think that game freak do not make more Eeveelutions, But if they do it, I think it is a Fighting type! :D

Are you saying they shouldnt make more eveelutions because of the highest stats allready being covered? They can continue making them just continue differing what stats are in what areas. Espeon and Glaceon allready share highest special attack
Fight- Rougheon
there is a small possibility of(me)<- be dragon/light type so a light type eveelution would be nice
I heard from an email from gamefreak that the new evees will be dragon and a rock ground or it was just some nonsense spam
Annihilator27 said:
Are you saying they shouldnt make more eveelutions because of the highest stats allready being covered? They can continue making them just continue differing what stats are in what areas. Espeon and Glaceon allready share highest special attack
Fight- Rougheon

I think i'll add to your list!

Ground- Terreon
Bug- Parasiteon
Dragon- Draceon
Steel- Metaleon
Normal- Normaleon
Poison- Toxineon
Flying- Aviateon
Rock- Bouldereon
Fight- Combateon
Ghost- Spireon

I think your Spectreon name would be hardcore if they do indeed make a Light type.
I would say that I would like Dragon type and Flying type of Eeveelution. The dragon one might be a bit epic. =D

I don't think they will make more Eeveelutions. They make lots of them.

Anyway, cuz I am bored I will make a list with names that would be good for em.

Steel - Trestleon (from the word trestle)
Bug - Budreon (from the word budworm)
Ghost - Pneumeon (from the word pneuma) (Ιn greek πνευμα is soul)
Posion - Latheon (From the word lathyritic)
Rock - Bouldereon (from the word boulder)
samhink1 said:
I heard from an email from gamefreak that the new evees will be dragon and a rock ground or it was just some nonsense spam

Now why would you troll like this and then add a "but i may be wrong" to dismiss blame?

On topic and less hostile, I've always wanted a Steel Eeveelution with like, plates or tiles of metal covering it's entire body that it can retract. Like, a defense mechanism.

ArceusTrainer said:
A flying cat. It does not make sense! xD

But, I hope for a Dragon type. -.-

Eevee is not a cat...

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