BW/BW2 Eeveelutions

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i'm hoping for a Flying i'll try and make an image of it and post it but i need you to post your ideas of what it should look like and i'll make the pokemon and i'll call it Soareon{L}{L}{D}


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Night Pokemon Master said:
i'm hoping for a Flying i'll try and make an image of it and post it but i need you to post your ideas of what it should look like and i'll make the pokemon and i'll call it Soareon{L}{L}{D}

It should have ears nd a tail that resemble wings, and would be white.
Ghost, Flying, Dragon, and Steel are the top ones I want.

dmaster out.
Here it is Soareon its not much but enjoy

By leebro96 at 2010-06-13
I think we will get eevee evolutions in this generation and that it will be poison and normal type

call me crazy i just have a feeling
People always point to the fact that Eeveelutions have always been special types previously. However, their types do have another quality in common, one that I think is more valid considering that Physical and Special types are now meaningless.

They are all resistant to themselves.
Water, Electric, Fire, Psychic, Dark, Grass and Ice are all "not very effective" against themselves. Only two types with this qualkity have not been made into Eeveelutions: Poison and Steel. All other types deal regular damage to their own type, or are strong against it in the case of Dragon and Ghost. In fact, this is how I remember which types are resistant to themselves.

Of course, this could easily be a pure coincidence, but then, so could the Special types theory. And I don't know about you, but I find Poison and Steel Eeveelutions a lot easier to imagine than Dragon.

I could be wrong. For all I know, they could be planning on making 16 total Eeveelutions, one for each type, except Normal. (I'm probably in the minority when I say I think that'd be really awesome.) But anyways, I personally think this theory makes more sense than the Special one, especially since Physical/Special types are now nonexistant.
I have thoughts for a Flying-type Eeveelution.
I even have a crappy drawing for what it would look like:

I couldn't think of a better name for it... Flighteon? I just don't know. u_u
And sorry if it's too big. D:
I wouldn't mind seeing a Steel or Ghost type Eeveelution. A Dragon would be cool, but Dragon types are supposed to be rare.

As for a Flying one, it would have to be a Flying/Normal, there can never be a pure Flying type, ever.
Falkeon(falcon)-Flying type
Skorpeon(scorpion)-Bug type

Anyway who says there has to be any eeveelutions in Isshu
Arcane9 said:
Falkeon(falcon)-Flying type
Skorpeon(scorpion)-Bug type

Anyway who says there has to be any eeveelutions in Isshu

i do , lol

but seriously, i would like to see a dragon

and if they introduce a new type one of those!
Skylands said:
As for a Flying one, it would have to be a Flying/Normal, there can never be a pure Flying type, ever.

Not necessarily, there's just never been one.
eeveeman said:
Normal type - I want to see an eeveelution that is like a bigger version of Eevee...

Fighting type. And Steel type, of course. Metaleon and Puncheon? I dunno. Ghost type would be cool too.
ManhattanTheStarr said:
I have thoughts for a Flying-type Eeveelution.
I even have a crappy drawing for what it would look like:

I couldn't think of a better name for it... Flighteon? I just don't know. u_u
And sorry if it's too big. D:

thats actually pretty good:)
I like the art. =P Soareon maybe. Heck if I know anything.

A flying eeveelution would be cool too. It'd be the first pure flying type aside from Arceus in 14 years. {F}
I just don't see a Dragon-Eeveelution. Seems unrealistic even by Pokemon standards. I think the most obvious one would be flying. I mean it's easy, evolve it by giving Eevee a Red Bull.
Stephen said:
I just don't see a Dragon-Eeveelution. Seems unrealistic even by Pokemon standars. I think the most obvious one would be flying. I mean it's easy, evolve it by giving Eevee a Red Bull.


I still think a {F} eeveelution would be cool.
I think there won't be any eeveelutions, but I sure hope I'm wrong!

I think, if there will be any, the next ones will be rock and poison. Just because they basically used only elements and a night/day eeveelution. I don't see dragon, bug, ghost, flying or fighting happening, because they don't match with the creature eevee is based on (rabbit?). Can you even imagine a dragon-rabbit or a bug-rabbit? Ground/steel can also happen, but we will see it eventually...
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