RE: eevee's trade thread H Undaunted W Primes
eevee said:
I am interested in these also:
Mr Mime EX (Magic Evens version)
Floatzel X (RR)
Leafon X (MD) (Japanese)
Palkia G X (PL)
I will let you set up the offer first so I know what you really need/want.
How about your:
•D&P (44 Cascoon (RH),43 Budew,54 Magneton,57 Nuzleaf,61 Riolu (RH),62 Seaking,67 Unown C,72 Buizel,93 Piplup (RH),95 Rhyhorn,98 Shinx,102 Stunky,108 Night Pokémon Center,112 Professor Rowan,115 Super Scoop Up,118 Potion,119 Switch)
•GE (34 Cacturne,41 Hariyama (RH),42 Huntail,43 Linoone,56 Unown F,74 Koffing,91 Unown L,97 Amulet Coin,14)Butterfree x2,25)Milotic)
•SW (5)Flygon, 20)Venusaur x2(holo and nonholo)
•MT (113 Night Maintenance,115 Team Galactic's Wager,118 Multi Energy)
•LA (84 Beldum, 117 Riolu)
•MD (43 Pachirisu,47 Staravia,77 Turtwig)
•HGSS (Rare Candy x2, 8) Noctowl,Double Coloress Energy)
•SV (10)Rhyperior)
•RR (20)Gallade 4)
•LA (10) Metagross)
•Prerelease (Milotic Prerelease card,Dratini City/pin x2,Dragonair State/pin,Raichu Prerelease)
•Promos (Meowth 10 x9(all still in wrapper),Moltres 21,Articuno 22,Pichu 35,Articuno 48,Sabrina's Abra 19,Magmar 44,Snorlax 49,Glaceon MD Platinum Stamped)
•Skymin Plush (I'd like to see a picture of this please, and what set plushes it from

For my:
Lapras EX RS
Raichu EX SS (minor bends, barely visible)
Groudon ex CG
Blaziken EX CG
Medicham EX (few bends, will throw in Wink )
Mr Mime EX (Magic Evens version)
Ninetales Base Set 12/102
Ninetales Base Set 2 13/130
Leafon X (MD) (Japanese)
Let me know.