Electivire FB Lv. X


Aspiring Trainer
I know the English scan is out of Electivire FB Lv. X. Its actually not a bad card for getting back used energy by using its Poke-Power. Then its attack Powerful Spark (if you use Poke-Power first) can do 60 damage on its first turn. Also having a resistance of Metal, I just might make a deck built around this (if I get one).

Electivire FB LV.X - Lightning - HP120
Level-Up (SP)

Poke-Power: Energy Recycle
You can use this Power once during your turn, if you use it, your turn is over. Choose up to 3 Energy cards from your discard pile and attach them to your Pokemon in any way you like. This Power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition.

[L][C][C] Powerful Spark: Does 30 damage plus 10 damage times the total number of Energy you have in play.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Steel (-20)
Retreat Cost: 3
Set Number: 39
I was thinking of making a fun deck with like, 30 energy, 4 energy link, 4-4 togekiss, manetric PT, and 2-2 Electivire FBX. It would be a stall till you have Togekiss out, and you start loading up the bench with energy. Bring out electivire, and hit for hundreds/turn. That's not the best way to run it, but it is quite fun.
Against Powerspray you can use Looker's Investigation, also not everyone plays SPs, Power Sprays can be decked, he can have less than 3 SPs out etc. etc. I really like Electivire FB, playing it in my Tyranitar deck, works pretty well.
Seriously, don't even bother with the Power. Power Spray really killed it, so you don't really want to base a deck around it. That said, Electivire still has a decent attack that can abuse other energy accel. Weavile SW would work really well. Not only does it provide early energy acceleration, but it can also increase its damage output via Special Dark Energies and Weavile's Power.

Another great option would be Flint's and Porygon2. With these two, you can basically get up to four free energy attachments spread out across the game. A card like VS. Seeker could increase the number of times you could pull this off, and Bronzong G allows for energy manipulation. Overall, I think Electivire could make a decent rogue if you play it with the right combo. And again, avoid the Power, unless you KNOW all 4 Power Sprays are gone...

...and even then, the Power still isn't that grand.
Run it like this:

3-1 Vire FB Lv.X
2-2-1 Vire Lv.X
2-2 Claydol
2-2 Manectirc
1 Uxie
2 Unown G

Just discard lots of energy with Vire FB's attack and then pick them up with regular Vire and have manectric to protect the bench and your Vire's with all of your energy.
As I said, Electivire is a rouge deck at most. Powerspray can be used once, so you can always load up the next turn. Electivire would need fast setup, since it requires high energy costs, which it alone can't provide.
I see how Power Spray kills this, but not everybody plays SP. I don't even think you should use the Power. Just use a couple Electivire SW to get the energies back from Dump and Draw attacks that you used early in the game. When you have a reasonable amount of energy, just attack. Although flippy, those benched Electivires can be half decent attackers if you need to.
Energy Gain would just reduce the damage done by Electivire FB. Use Flint's and Porygon2 instead.
It can be a nice addition, but I don't think it's too necessary, especially if you can't get it out by T1 or T2. Electivire FB's Dump and Draw combined with Electivire SW's Poke-Power should give you a bunch of energies.
Snorlax takes the energy and puts them in your hand. You want to attach them to your benched Electivires.

I guess it could be useful if you used Dump and Draw after Pick and Collect, but you would probably have wasted a Switch/Warp Point or 2 to do the combo.

In a nutshell, not very many things work with Electivire FB and its Lv.X. But the things that work with it work very well. Electivire SW is a prime example.
I was gonna have Electivire FB Lv. X, Electivire Lv. X, Raichu MT, Manectric PT, and Snorlax RR the rare card for my Pokemon, because they all get me Energy.
I would personally try something like this. It adds a few new things while keeping some of the stuff you wanted in the deck.

3-1 Electivire FB Lv.X
2-2-1 Electivire Lv.X
1-1 Manectric
2-2 Claydol
2 Unown G

If you want a faster setup, try Turbo Electivire, my personal favorite variation. Attaches energy cards fast and it has more of the stuff you wanted in the deck.

4-2 Raichu
3-1 Electivire FB Lv.X
2-2 Electivire
1-1 Manectric
2 Uxie

Try one of these and experiment to see what works for you.
I like the second one but I have one Uxie, no Electivire FBs or a Lv. X of it, and one Raichu. I was thinking about taking Manectric out and putting in Weavile SW and/or Honchkrow MT
I think Weavile would be better than Raichu, seeing as it does allow you to deal a little extra damage with Special Dark Energy. It's not that hard to draw or get 1 Lightning Energy, and that's the only true difference between the two. Weavile just outclasses Raichu because it allows for that extra damage.

I'd run 4-2 Weavile instead of 4-2 Raichu.
I made an Electivire deck last season for Spring BR's, it looked really similar to this. I also played Raichu, Electivire DP, and Electrode. Raichu can be run with Electivire FB, and so can Electivire SW. You can make Electivire with Weavile, but I would consider it slow because it only requires 3 energy (2 w/ Energy gain) which can be a T2 which is fast enough. In Electivire FB, I would consider and Toxicroak G and Lucario GL for an option. Maybe some Bertha's Kindness or something that can keep Electivire going strong and long lasting which keeps the game going, or you can just run SP Toolbox w/ this using Flints and that.

Don't get me wrong, the Weavile SW is still good with Dark Engage to KO Gengar.

By the way, what is the Manetric for?