Embarrassing ...or not?

Does Pokemon seem embarrassing to your friends?

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Celebi23 said:
Maybe, just considering that about 10 people have told you you're wrong and nobody's sided you, you're actually the one who doesn't get it. :l

Talking to people is generally part of a good personality, btw. Lol.

I assume that you haven't read my latest post in which I explained what my original post was supposed to mean? Oh well, it seems that people who can't even find underlying meanings to walls of text, and only find the literal aspect of it, are the ones who doesn't get it.

I understand your pain. I sucked at literature, because of the novels I had to read, and those evil walls of text. Yeah, I only read the literal part of it, and never was smart enough to find the underlying meaning, and the actual point that author is trying to tell its readers.

In case you NEVER GOT IT, in which you never did, find a Hobby, skill, or profession to DIVERT ATTENTION away from the fact that you are playing a kids game.

People who read my post as trying to get a girlfriend, and made counterarguments that are based off this statement? They never got it.

People who read my post as "do these things exactly, and for sure you won't be a nerd", and made counterarguments based off this statement? They never got it either.

Hey, not to be rude, but have you ever heard of a situation where you are in Literature class, and the entire class, but one, was wrong, and only the one person was correct? Yeah, I didn't think so. The power of many does not make you more right than I am, especially if you 10 people failed to read my post properly, and only sees the surface of it.

My post was a semi-serious post, where if you read the surface of it, it is a joke, but it has a underlying seriousness to it, based on what other people thinks, and what other people expect of you in what is considered the norm.
omahanime said:
Let us return the conversation back to topic, please.

Just as a friendly reminder, the topic is "Embarrassing ...or not?"
Maybe rather than try to make "underlying meanings", maybe just say what you mean. That said, you don't need to get other hobbies or professions, if your personality isn't that of a geek and you can have a real conversation with someone, you'll be fine.
Either way the fact that signofzeta had the time to post rather long arguments proves he isn't the guy to get girls. Though there is no one type of person who get's girls. I have and have had plenty of girlfriends, I am 16 out of school with no job the fact he believes you have to be massive with a high paying job kind of shows his insecurity he just wants to be accepted. Anyway back to topic Pokemon isn't an embarrasing subject it can be if you choose it to be. Live your life how you want it to be, you only get one remember don't live it worrying about others opinions.
Cinema said:
Maybe rather than try to make "underlying meanings", maybe just say what you mean. That said, you don't need to get other hobbies or professions, if your personality isn't that of a geek and you can have a real conversation with someone, you'll be fine.

The point was to make a post where on the surface, it was 3 things that nobody would expect, and it has to "come out of nowhere", so some people would laugh.

Let me tell you. A lot of sporty people deem Ultimate Frisbee a sissy sport. "Football is a REAL sport", yeah, those kinds of guys. Picking up girls in order to mask the fact that you are playing a kids game? Yeah, that wasn't the point either.

The real point is hidden beneath the joke on top. It's like one of those jokes where you don't get it, but when you think about it, there is a deeper meaning to it? If said straight out, it wouldn't be funny?

The real meaning is, do or be ANYTHING, chick magnet, star athelete, top student, veteran COD player, um master paintball champion, just to name a few, to make it so that you divert attention away from the fact you are a Pokemon TCG player. From what you say, you can be any regular joe guy who does nothing buy play Pokemon, and people won't give you weird looks. Yeah, that be true, if you treat Pokemon games and TCG as something in a niche environment. ("We'll just do our thing, and they can do theirs. We don't give a fudge what they do".), rather than "I'm playing this cool card game, do you want to play?"

If someone sees you as not a pokemon player, then it is easier to approach someone who might share the same interests as you, but you don't know that, because you are ignoring what that person is thinking, and that person is also ignoring what you are thinking, and in the presence of each other, you hide anything that has to do with pokemon, until you get to your own little area where nobody is watching.

I know some of you talk to people, yeah, but do you actually talk about Pokemon to non-pokemon people, and tell them you are actually interested in Pokemon? If not, then you do feel embarrassed you are playing a kids game. But hey, you need not follow these tips. I'm only giving them out so to eliminate all embarrassment.
signofzeta said:
Ha, forgot to add that he had a HOT girlfriend. So how did he even get that so called "girlfriend"? Absolutely NOTHING. His "jackedness", and his huge salary is the reason. Don't most girls look for men who are strong and have huge salaries?

No, not at all. In fact, that statement is so shallow as to be misogynistic.
I have ask twice, now I am stating any more off topic posts will result in warnings.
My close friends know I play Pokémon and are okay with it. However, my not so close friends don't know that I play Pokémon basically because they have nothing to do with it, even tho I get a little embarrassed sometimes. That will never keep me from playing, tho.
I am not a pokemon closet player. I am very open and when people have a Pokemon question at my High School they ask me, I sometimes use it for comedic relief.
Not very good friends if they don't share interest or tease you for your hobbies.

I'm pretty open ended about it, but I'm a loner. I agree with the second post n this thread, tell your friends to judge by the person not the hobby.
Same thing to me, except I'm a teenager.
Here's how most of my conversations go down;
"You play POKEMON??"
"Yeah, it's fun. You should try it."
I actually got three of my friends to play it.
Two of them really likes it.
One doesn't. (He plays Yu-Gi-Oh.)