Wow, we got like no Colorless support beyond Winona. (And Altaria. Pfft.) I'm disappointed. Most of the Colorless stuff, despite being a focus of this set, isn't even very good.
The Ancient Trait Pokemon in this set have a lot less variance than Primal Clash's. Why are both Dustox Grass? And why isn't one of the Unfezants female?
Overall, this is a fairly disappointing set that had a ton of potential. The only one I think has potential (if the translation is accurate) is regular Unfezant. For the brief period where we still have Mew-EX, this will be neat, A bit slow after that, though. The only cards I even looked at twice are Beautifly (which is still rather bad), Ancient Trait Dustox (eh, probably not good enough), Articuno (probably not quite good enough), Natu (not good, but I am looking SO forward to this knocking something out at some point), regular Banette (I'm glad this exists, but it's probably not worth using yet), Deoxys (this is promising, and I'm looking forward to more similar cards in future), Togekiss (could be decent I guess, we'll see, I'm not convinced it's better than Milotic, though), Rayquaza/M Rayquaza (obligatory gimmicky cards that will see a little play but won't do that much), Double Dragon Energy, and the trainers. (Which there aren't a lot of.) I'm glad Revive's back, but it coming back was obvious and not too important, and Trainer's Post, Skyfield and Wally (especially Wally) are probably the only terribly relevant trainers. Wide Lens is neat and all, but it likely won't matter. Still glad we have it, though.