Energy Search Pro from Paradise Dragona

LMAO @ the people saying the wording is clear, when it REALLY isn't. Mark my words, it'll be much more clear once translated into English, because why would they not specify the number 'one' anywhere in that card's text? It could just be a case of a bad translation job than anything, but I guess the lesson here is to not go off of unofficial translations before we get accurate ones down the line. AKA, a lesson Wizard's should have learned with Slowking, if they were competent at running non-MTG games...although you can certainly make the case that they aren't running it competently today still. :p
Not sure why people are contemplating this in Chien-pao. You can easily find 5-6 energy in one turn without this card. You easily find your energy in Chien and all you have to do after is recover/recycle it. I don't see people complaining about energy search in a deck that is kitted for it already.
Becuz u would only find 1 water , so ya be bad in chin po
Feel like this could work with Chien Pao cuz I’m really praying that deck gets good again. Doubt this’ll be better than counter catcher tho, but could help against tanker decks.
Once again it's bad in chin po u will only find 1 water not multi watee
Interesting, I wonder if there's anything coming to combo this with. Grafaiai can hit hard once and Smeargle already rotated. I'm not sure how this effect could be turned into something actually useful with the current card pool.
I will use it on my Ogerbolt deck 'cause I put grass, fighting, lightning and water (for Radiant Greninja) basic energy cards