BW/BW2 English names for the starters

pokabu Blowine (assuming it BLOWs out flames from its nose and it is a sWINE)
tsutaja Leafoa (it has a LEAF on its tail and looks like a tree BOA)
mijumaru Shelotter (it has a SHELL on its chest and is based off an OTTER)
Pokabu can be...
Its a pig, thats on fire?
another name for pig can be Hog and another name for fire is Flame?
Flog? :x
what about "Hame" Ham and Flame! Geniusssss! ;D
I truly have a new found respect for GameFreak, naming these things are hard.
Imagine doing this for 100+ ;o
{W} Wotter (Water + Otter)
{G} Ivython (Ivy + Python)
{R} Bonlet ( Bonfire + Piglet)

Pig is so hard to think of for some reason since they already used a lot of fire words for the past starter lines.

Char - Gen 1
Cinder, Lava, Explosion - Gen 2
Torch, Combustion, Blaze - Gen 3
Char, Inferno - Gen 4

Though maybe for it's last stage: Emboar (Ember + Boar) - but that seems really short for a last stage starter.

{R} Pokabu;


... lol. ;3

Here is the origin for "Pokabu", btw:
Bulbapedia said:
Pokabu is derived from ぽかぽか pokapoka, warmth circulating through one's body, combined with 豚 buta, pig; or ブー bū, "oink".
darksun said:

Here is the origin for "Pokabu", btw:
Pokabu is derived from ぽかぽか pokapoka, warmth circulating through one's body, combined with 豚 buta, pig; or ブー bū, "oink".

Because this is the origin for Pokabu's name, we should use the parts from these terms:

"warmth circulating through one's body"
"pig" and

to come up with Pokabu's name, especially "warmth" and "oink".

I, off hand, can't think of any, and I personally love the name Pokabu and hope it comes to America.

Mijumaru~ I like the name Cubble
Tsutajaa~ Ivlant (Ivy+Plant)
Tsutaja:Grake (Grass+Snake...BAD >_>)
Pokabu:pignition (Pig+Ignition)
Mijumaru:Ottea (Otter+Sea)

...Yes,bad imagination for names... ._.
I think that Pokabus final evolution shoul be called Boaruption (boar + eruption) if it has a volcano on its back or something, for Tsutarjas maybe Foreconda (forest + anaconda), and Mijumarus probably Oceatter (ocean + otter). As for the basic stages: Snaivy (actually had the same idea as LeafeonMaster601 back when they were revealed), Embig (ember + pig couldn't think of anything else :l), and finally Shotter (shell + otter)!!!
Offtopic: I like the name foreconda :) Ontopic: Piggas(Pig+gas) for the fire, Pondotter(Pond+otter) for MIjumaru :D and slivine(sliver+vine) for the grass starter. Or for the fire Swire(Swine+fire).

Tsutaaja - Ivyper/Vinper, Cobrivy, (Ivy + Viper/Vine + Viper, Cobra + Ivy)
Pokabu - Pyrlit/Pyrolet (Pyre/pyro + piglet) oink and swine have already been used in Spoink and Swinub.
Mijumaru - Lutrell/Lontrell (Lutra/Lontra + shell), Otrelp (Otter + Whelp), Lutrockle (Lutra + Cockle), Lonquette (Lontra + coquette), Lutruka (Lutra + Puka)
Lol I'm kind of bad with names, but here goes!

Tsutaaja: Slifern (Slither + Fern), Crassern (Crass + Fern), Ivither (Ivy + Slither) (I REALLY want Tsutaaja's shoulder leaves to become fern wings. Also I kinda like Smugleaf..)
Pokabu: Poinkire (Pig + Oink + Fire), Piglire (Piglet + Fire), Grunber (Grunt + Burn) (I like Grunber lol)
Mijumaru: Pupple (Pup + Puddle), Wydra (Water + Enhydra, part of a Sea Otter's scientific name), Kelpup (Kelp + Pup) (I HATE ALL MY NAMES FOR IT FFFF)
IMO the best names I've heard so far...

Tsutaaja: Snivy/Smugleaf
Pokabu: Emboink/Emboar, also I wouldn't mind it keeping its Japenese name and just being named Pokabu :D
Mijumaru: Cubble sounds great.
i think every name suggested here is terrible tbh

people are just brainstorming for random words that kind of relate to the pokemon and putting them together

there's no real thought going in to these names
ReaperRayneShad said:
Lol I'm kind of bad with names, but here goes!

Tsutaaja: Slifern (Slither + Fern), Crassern (Crass + Fern), Ivither (Ivy + Slither) (I REALLY want Tsutaaja's shoulder leaves to become fern wings. Also I kinda like Smugleaf..)
Pokabu: Poinkire (Pig + Oink + Fire), Piglire (Piglet + Fire), Grunber (Grunt + Burn) (I like Grunber lol)
Mijumaru: Pupple (Pup + Puddle), Wydra (Water + Enhydra, part of a Sea Otter's scientific name), Kelpup (Kelp + Pup) (I HATE ALL MY NAMES FOR IT FFFF)

Lol and how about ravenclaw for the new wargle, get it harry potter, slifern. Nah only kidding but i honestly do not like smugleaf but snivy is alright.
Here are my ideas, from favorite to least favorite.



DarkraiLord said:
I think that Pokabus final evolution shoul be called Boaruption (boar + eruption) if it has a volcano on its back or something, for Tsutarjas maybe Foreconda (forest + anaconda), and Mijumarus probably Oceatter (ocean + otter). As for the basic stages: Snaivy (actually had the same idea as LeafeonMaster601 back when they were revealed), Embig (ember + pig couldn't think of anything else :l), and finally Shotter (shell + otter)!!!

I really hope Pokabu's final evolution doesn't have a volcano on its back, since Torterra had a tree on its back (I'm not a fan of repeats, xD). However, I wouldn't mind it still having some "volcano/eruption" theme, if that makes sense?
SinnohTrainer17 said:
IMO the best names I've heard so far...

Tsutaaja: Snivy/Smugleaf
Pokabu: Emboink/Emboar, also I wouldn't mind it keeping its Japenese name and just being named Pokabu :D
Mijumaru: Cubble sounds great.

snivy and emboik are just combinations of two words, they dont really go together at all

Decmaster said:
Because this is the origin for Pokabu's name, we should use the parts from these terms:

"warmth circulating through one's body"
"pig" and

to come up with Pokabu's name, especially "warmth" and "oink".

I, off hand, can't think of any, and I personally love the name Pokabu and hope it comes to America.

Mijumaru~ I like the name Cubble
Tsutajaa~ Ivlant (Ivy+Plant)
about the whole thing about pokabu's name: the english names are hardly ever just a translation of the japanese name, like if mijumaru's name were translated it would be something like innocent round cute ball or something stupid like that. the english name doesnt have to have qarmth circulating in one's body, oink, and pig in it

kangaskhan said:
i think every name suggested here is terrible tbh

people are just brainstorming for random words that kind of relate to the pokemon and putting them together

there's no real thought going in to these names

exactly what most of these are sadly...

eevee23 said:
water - Watter
grass- slant
fire - saddire

what?! no offense but those are...whats a nice way to say this...TERRIBLE!

im lmao at all these terrible names, some are good but alot of them just suck
kangaskhan said:
i think every name suggested here is terrible tbh

people are just brainstorming for random words that kind of relate to the pokemon and putting them together

there's no real thought going in to these names

I really oughta lock this thread because this could not be a truer statement