RE: [H] Claydol, Regigigas Sleeves [W] Gengar IFDS, TSD, any English SF cards
Interested in: <---- That box <---- That box
IFDS cards you have
RE: WHAT?!? ESP has 2 Claydol?!!? For trade!?!? He sure does! Come on in and get some!
IDK if I still have the Energy Pickup since I'm updating tonight. I don't really see anything especially since I'm being offered for the Claydols already. I'll probably just give you the Energy Pickup, if I still have it.
RE: [H] Claydol, Regigigas Sleeves [W] Gengar IFDS, TSD, any English SF cards
ESP said:
Interested in: <---- That box <---- That box
IFDS cards you have