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esp. [W] Basic Dark

RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Uxie LA, 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, Pop9 [W] 3 Pokedex HANDY910, 2 Bronzong SF

I don't need the Bronzong anymore. I need Rare Candy (GE or Pop8)

Can you take Pop 6 Turtwig? I don't know if I have any of DP or Pop 6. LMK
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Uxie LA, 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, Pop9 [W] 3 Pokedex HANDY910, 2 Bronzong SF

I have 1 RC.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Uxie LA, 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, Pop9 [W] 3 Pokedex HANDY910, 2 Bronzong SF

I have 1 Turtwig P6, 4 from P8, and one from DP.

Whatever Turtwig you want

Rare Candy

RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Uxie LA, 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, Pop9 [W] 3 Pokedex HANDY910, 2 Bronzong SF

Hello do you have any La Mamoswine or Froslass or SF Mamoswine? from your wants I have SF Bronzong x2 1 Rare 1 RH
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

Nope, don't have any. Sorry.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

Bump #2 for this week.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

cml for uxie x.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

I can only trade my JPN Uxie Lv. X if you can trade me an ENG Uxie Lv. X. I'd add more, but I must have a Uxie X.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

Bump #3 for the week. If you live in the USA and order this weekend, I can 90% get it to you by states.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

Do you have any EX Legend Maker cards from WAAAY back? I need them, so if you any of 'em on my list, please...let me know!
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

I have lots of LM cards. It was the first set I went to a prerelease for. I'll check what I have and list later.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Leafeon Lv. X, 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

Bump #1 for this week. You still want some LM stuff EspeonROX?
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Leafeon Lv. X, 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

Please CML for that Weavile G.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Leafeon Lv. X, 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

CML for leafy X
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Leafeon Lv. X, 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Uxie Lv. X (ENG)

Eh...list please?

Same here! LOVED the set. I have a Claydol if you're interested.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Leafeon Lv. X, 2 Rampardos, Ampharos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Dialga G Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X

Pokefan: Weavile is NFT now.
Rayquaza: Nothing
EspeonROX: I'll get you a list when I get some time. It might be Monday before that happens.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Leafeon Lv. X, 2 Rampardos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Dialga G Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X

Oh, OK. Just put on the ones I want on my list. Thanks!
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Leafeon Lv. X, 2 Rampardos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Dialga G Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X

Bump #2. Espeon, I'll check my LM cards today after school.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Leafeon Lv. X, 2 Rampardos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Dialga G Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X

Interested in trading your 92% Leafeon LvX?
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles [H] Leafeon Lv. X, 2 Rampardos, 2 Swablu SH5 [W] Dialga G Lv. X, Palkia G Lv. X

Yeah, but my only real wants right now are Dialga G Lv. X and Palkia G Lv. X.