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esp. [W] Basic Dark

RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

Could you do Giratina LVX for Dialga G, I know I'm like one dollar short maybe you can find a random rare or something.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

karimsoliman94 said:
2 Shaymin Land Lv. X (mint)
Shaymin Land Lv. X (90% mint)

check me for either of them

preferrably the mint one but will take the other

I don't see anything interesting on your list. You might want to get some LV. X/Secret Rares.

Could you do Giratina LVX for Dialga G, I know I'm like one dollar short maybe you can find a random rare or something.

Sorry, but I don't really think i need a Giratina Lv. X, I'd rather have the Dialga.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

Bump #2 for the week.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

Landmin LV X-near mint
Surfing Pikachu
Flygon LV X

lmk, cmt or counter
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

I don't want a Landmin Lv. X. I have 3. The only thing on your list that I like is your Infernape 4 Lv. X and I wouldn't put it in a trade with Flygon Lv. X on the other side.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

Hitmonchan reprint
Infernape 4 Lv X
Flying Pikachu
Flygon Lv X
lmk or counter
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

I'm not going to include Infernape 4 Lv. X in a trade for my Flygon. If there's anything else you like, maybe.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

No, I didn't see anything except for the flygon. Thanks for your time though...
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

CML for palkia G lv X
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

Would you do Hitmonchan PT for Rampardos PT x3?

If that is too much for one maybe something else too...?
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

Sorry, no thanks to the 2 of you above.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

I have both pack and tin Palkia X and reprint Electabuzz. I am interested in Flygon X. Please CML for more. Thanks!
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

Hi Alex, I see everyone is after that Gon of yours ;D XD

3 Flygon
6 Trapinch SW
Palkia Lv. X (Pack)
1 Electabuzz PT

Flygon lv.X

Or CML. *shrug*
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

stumpy271 said:
I have both pack and tin Palkia X and reprint Electabuzz. I am interested in Flygon X. Please CML for more. Thanks!

Sorry nothing.

SotH said:
Hi Alex, I see everyone is after that Gon of yours ;D XD

3 Flygon
6 Trapinch SW
Palkia Lv. X (Pack)
1 Electabuzz PT

Flygon lv.X

Or CML. *shrug*

I think I'm gonna wait until SV comes out for trading the Flygon. Maybe even til the next set.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

I so hate saying CML for Flygon LvX.
I see it ALL the time on my thread...
I saw it so much I took my Flygon off my thread.
What is the point you ask???

CML for your Flygon LvX...

There! I said it.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

CML for SW Flygon and RH Poketurn.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

Nothing, I like Alakazam 4 X and Gallade 4 X, and i have neither of those.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

CML for flygon lv X
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

none for the flygon.
RE: ESP's Box of Waffles : [H] Flygon Lv. X, Palkia G X, Leafeon Lv. X [W] Flygon, Palkia Lv. X, Poke Turn

to you: i like Kazam 4 X and Gallade 4 X from your thread. Please make an offer and I can counter.