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esp. [W] Basic Dark

RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

Im trying to negotiate a trade with Anthony (mod) right now for those cards too, but even if the trade goes through, I will still need 2 or 3 Cyrus conspiracy.

Suppose he doesnt accept my trade, I will need 3 Energy gain, and 4 cyrus.

You said you have a few extra.

For the RH luxray GL, waht are you willing to do?
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

All I have are what I posted above.
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

....Errrr....I hate paying postage for just one card. LOL

I think I'll hand on to the luxray for a while and maybe trade with you when we can have a larger trade.
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

Alright then. So you didn't see anything else I'm assuming?
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

Well, the trade with Anthony is going to happen so I dont need anymore energy gain now. I still need 3 more Cyrus's, but you only have 1...

The other few things I needed where:

Uxie x2
Promocroak x1
Chatot x1 (MD) For blazeray deck.
Blaziken FB x3

I didnt see those on your list...
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

I have the Chatot but I don't think you'd do even the regular holo Luxray for the Chatot and Cyrus right?
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

I updated lots :] added the Absol G Lv. X too.

Help me with my wants please, I need them by the end of the month.
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

Bump #3
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

What are your wants? Unown G is gone :(

Do you need Fan Rotom RR?

Anyway, I need. (IDK if you have them)

Rare Candy GE x3
Nidoqueen RR x3
Nidoking DP x3
Bebe's Search x2
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

I have a few of your wants POP and others. and was interested in any Pikas you have an your Surfing Pikachu RR. I was also interested in your Garchomp Sleeves.
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

ElectroManiac said:
What are your wants? Unown G is gone :(

Do you need Fan Rotom RR?

Anyway, I need. (IDK if you have them)

Rare Candy GE x3
Nidoqueen RR x3
Nidoking DP x3
Bebe's Search x2

Click on the wants icon for my wants. I might have a Bebe's or 2. Any wants you have of mine?

richkid50000 said:
I have a few of your wants POP and others. and was interested in any Pikas you have an your Surfing Pikachu RR. I was also interested in your Garchomp Sleeves.

LMK what of my wants you have.
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

I do have Uxie LA. With the POP wants i only know a few off the top of my head.

Pop 8
10.)Rare Candy
11.)Roseanne's Research

Pop 9
5.)Rotom (Pending in)
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

richkid50000 said:
I do have Uxie LA. With the POP wants I only know a few off the top of my head.

Pop 8
10.)Rare Candy
11.)Roseanne's Research

Pop 9
5.)Rotom (Pending in)

Would you do the sleeves, Surfing Pikachu, and a few pikachu cards for Uxie LA?
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

Which Pikas do you have? the Uxie may be in a trade on the Pokegym but i am not sure yet.
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

I have a few pikachus, I'm not sure which ones. I can check. Which ones do you need?
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

Pretty much any but it depends which one and if i have too many or not.
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

How many Pikachu should I add?
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

I am not sure. I am still not sure if it is being traded on the Pokegym but i will find out tomorrow and can let you know on Wednesday.
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, Absol G Lv. X [W] Toxicroak G Promo, Mesprit LA

i have a (RH) mesprit LA

i really like ur electrivire FB is there anything i can to trade for it???