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esp. [W] Basic Dark

RE: esp. [H] Flygon Lv .X, Gallade 4 Lv. X [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo

I didn't like much besides Uxie. I could trade Garchomp sleeves and those 2 cards for the Uxie. Tell me if you have any of my wants.
RE: esp. [H] Flygon Lv .X, Gallade 4 Lv. X [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo

PokeKid Brandon said:
I have a Luxray GL.

What would you propose?

sceptileblade411 said:
I like flygon lv.x him for those 3?

No. No. No. No.

Flygon Lv. X is worth about 30-40 dollars, while Flareon ex and Luxray GL are worth $5 each at most. Your side is worth half of what my side is worth. Sorry but no.
RE: esp. [H] Flygon Lv .X, Gallade 4 Lv. X [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo

sceptileblade411 said:
for electivire fb lv.x?

No. I wouldn't do it for any of the Lv. X on my thread.
RE: esp. [H] Flygon Lv .X, Gallade 4 Lv. X [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo

Yes sir.
RE: esp. [H] Flygon Lv .X, Gallade 4 Lv. X [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo

Unless the Blaziken ex is a Lv. X, then nothing.
RE: esp. [H] Flygon Lv .X, Gallade 4 Lv. X [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo

Hey, do you have any Energy Gain, or Cyrus Conspiracy????

I need 3 of both if you have any.
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

Hey ESP, would you do my Azelf MT for your RH Gallade SW?
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

shadoworganoid said:
Hey, do you have any Energy Gain, or Cyrus Conspiracy????

I need 3 of both if you have any.

I might have an extra or 2 of each. Have any of my wants?

darksoulSP said:
Hey ESP, would you do my Azelf MT for your RH Gallade SW?

Sure. PM to confirm
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

Um....not really....lol

I will have an extra Luxray GL assuming DarkSoul doesnt rip me off like it seems.

Can you just see my list please? Perhaps we can work somthing out?
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

Unless you have that Luxray GL, I don't see anything. Come back later.
RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

ESP said:
Unless you have that Luxray GL, I don't see anything. Come back later.

Okay, I got the Luxray GL in the mail today.

YOur pick: Holo, or RH?

RE: esp. [H] Electivire FB Lv. X, lots of stuff [W] Luxray GL, Toxicroak G Promo, Azelf MT

I'd rather have the RH.

I can trade 1 Cyrus and 2 Egain.