EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 3 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 1 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

Wow, thanks so much, 2 cards done now!!!!
LV, do you think you ould do any more cards for me? I really need help.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 1 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!


Hp 50
Type (R)

(C) Scratch 10

(R)(C) Fireworks 30
Flip a coin, if tails, discard an energy card attached to Torchick.

Weakness (W)
Resistance (none)
Retreat Cost (C)

Hp 80
Type (R)

Poke Body : Fiery Temper
If Combusken has less Hp then the defending pokemon, all of Combusken's attacks do 10 more damage.

(R)(C) Double kick 30x
Flip 2 coins, this attack does 30 damage times the number of heads.

Weakness (W)
Resistance (none)
Retreat Cost (C)

Can I do Blaziken ex?
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 1 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

Light Venusuar, please can you make a Blaziken card for me, using this art:

Credit to Agronbird from the pokemon factory for the blaziken picture.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 1 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

I can, but I do not how to post it.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 1 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

you do not know how to post what?
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 1 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

Fire_Pokemon_Master said:
Light Venusuar, please can you make  a Blaziken card for me, using this art:

Credit to Agronbird from the pokemon factory for the blaziken picture.
I'm on to it!
I'm getting DJ 9-Volt to help me out with it (as I only have MS Paint)
(Runs to get it's move set)
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

All done!
I hope that you like this one.

RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

Everything in that card is wrong, why the people don't follow the tutorials, Is ee people that use MS Paint and do great cards, but this is dissapointing.

If an EX, that means that need a more HP (Like 140 or 150 will be fine) and the attacks/bodies is bad for being an EX (Specially the attack). Also I don't like the thing that have a Fire art and is Fighting (See the Blaziken EX fot he TCG that is Fighting, look like a Fighting art), Blaziken don't have Resistance to (G) and 3 RC is too much.

Try this:

Body: Intense Flames
As long as Blaziken has any Special Energy cards attached to it, flip a coin for each Special Energy card attached to Blaziken. For each heads, put 1 damage counter on the Defending Pokémon. For each tails, put 1 damage counter on 2 of your Benched Pokémon. (This attack that have the contradictory effect of being a EX)

(R) Singe
The Defending Pokémon is now Burned.

(R)(F)(C) Flaming Kicks 50
If the Defending Pokémon is Burned, this attack does 50 plus 30 more damage.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

I thought you asked me to make the card. Sorry.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

LV, I already posted the Blaziken spoiler, please could you use that.
Hang on a minute, Exploud ex, can you make ACTUAL CARDS not just spoilers?

BLaziken (f) HP 110

(f) fire spit:

(f)©© Overheat 70
Flip a coin. If heads, discard an energy card attached to blaziken. If tails, This attack does 10 damage to BLaziken.

r= 1

This is the spoiler I would like you to use. Also please can the card benon-ex. apart from that, it is amazing, thank you.
Also, i liked my art with the fire in the background aswell please.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

Again, as I said above, I do not know how to post images.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

What you have to do is
1. go to www.imageshack.us
2. miniminze the website and save the card you made onto your computer.
3. on the website, press browse, slect the file you just save and then press host it at the bottom.
4. A number of links should appaer on the screen. Copy the last one that sais: direct link to image.
5.On your post type this:
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

Ok, I'll try.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

It loads TOO SLOWLY! I can't get trough the part where I have to click host it.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

there are other websites like that one, i think www.tinypic.com is one.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

It says that anyone from my country is banned from the website.
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

OH... I dont know what to say to that. What country do you live in?
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

oops I didn't see it.
I'll remake it 2morrow (as it's almost 12 @ night here in Sydney)
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

I'm from Malaysia.:p
RE: EX Portal Protectors (in need of helpers) 2 card done!!!! I REALLY NEED FAKERS!!!!

I got a Tropius spoiler.

Tropius (G) 80 HP

(G) Cry for help
Search your deck for a (G) Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-ex) show it to your opponent and put it to you hand. Suffle your deck afterward.

(G) (c) Razor Wing 30