'Explosive Impact,' Japan's SM8 Set; Raises Questions About Switch Release

If you hit all your lost mixers in the first/second turn you don't even need to play jumpluff
Moreover is the perfect typing coverage, F &P. The only flaw is that it is a glass cannon
Best part is that Natu hits Buzzwole and Naganadel for weakness so if you can get a good set up early, Beast Box doesn't stand much of a chance.
Hm blissey could be fun. Alola Exeggutor needed grass energy for the same effect and saw a small amount of play. With any energy this could be more creative with malamar,solgaleo prism star or any other good energy engine.
The other Unown looks like you get a win if there are 66 damage counters on the board. That actually seems kind of doable in a casual setting.

Your opponent just needs to Guzma and get rid of the damage counters on board though - I have no idea how it can be pulled off :-/
If I were to do a Lost March deck, I'd do straight Jumpluff, with Alolan Muk and Shuckle-GX to help stall and nullify abilities - and even discard with trainers. It doesn't rely on special energy, uses 1-prize attackers, stalls at the start, and would break through nearly anything with plenty of win-cons. Probably more consistant, too, as evolving to skiploom just gives the ability to send to the lost zone with ease.

...Oh, and Trumbeak is a must as well! xD