Fake Card Contests!! Now YOU can judge the cards (until this thread eventually dies out.)

RE: Fake Card Contest!! Now accepting entries and only two judge-spots left!!

I'm going to enter!
Here's mine:


*Note: PearlEdan has given me permission to use their works (as long as I give them credit)

Edit: I know it's broken....but I like it that way.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Now accepting entries and only two judge-spots left!!

I would judge, along with the fact that attacks don't have types >.<

I woudl enter, but I'm running out of ideas. Plus I can't actually fake cards at all.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Now accepting entries and only two judge-spots left!!

On, and plus... the Multitype is incrediably broken. As well as the attack. 3 for 100 with no drawback is bad.

If you can keep changing to their weakness, you win the game. More or less.

140HP is ridiculous.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Now accepting entries and only two judge-spots left!!

here's mine. the drawing is from deviant art, which was drawn by ~endless-whispers. i gave him/her credit on the card.


what do you think?
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Now accepting entries and only two judge-spots left!!

greeniax said:
here's mine. the drawing is from deviantart, which was drawn by ~endless-whispers. i gave him/her credit on the card.


what do you think?

You made the card do 40x but it say flip 3 coins this attack do 30 times the numbers of head. Typo
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Now accepting entries and only two judge-spots left!!

i fixed it.

RE: Fake Card Contest!! Now accepting entries and only two judge-spots left!!

I'll join too. I will be working on my round one entry.

There you go.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Now accepting entries and only two judge-spots left!!

ugh.... HUGE HEAD ACHE!!!!

Anyway all whom have applied congrats your in!

WE ARE OFFICIALLY OUT OF JUDGES! Anyone who asks will only make my head ache worse!

Those of you who made an EX/Lv. X as your example, do you plan on using them for Round One?

P.S. Heres some of my work:
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need ten more fakers to begin!

yes, the porygonZ is my enetry for round 1. i saw light venasur post his, so i went ahead and posted mine.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need ten more fakers to begin!

I'll keep it for my Round 1.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need ten more fakers to begin!

i was just wondering how you are going to get all the scores, have 8 judges and all it is going to take awhile to get all the scores.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need ten more fakers to begin!

Greenlax: Spelling errors in the text, plus the fact that the attack name and Power name is too large for the card. Pory-z is a Stage 2, HP should be a little higher. Attack is just... well, strange. Upgrade may break the format depending on what the previous card is. 6.8/10

Abaxter94: "Care" and confusion have nothing to do with each other. The 5-1 ratio is ridiculous, even with the dicasrd all. Have two Altaria EX δ and you'll be sweeping the floor, more or less. I would have to say the next is a little small. 7.3/10

Yes, I'm critical, sue me.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need ten more fakers to begin!

Say, can we not use sprites for the pokemon that evo's from
Like this:
Ken Art:


Now tell me which one looks better? (I like the Ken art, as it makes it look like a real card)
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need ten more fakers to begin!

I honestly don't care. I use sprites because that is the only thing I can find

LH the rounds haven't started yet. We still need more fakers. Stop giving scores
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need ten more fakers to begin!

Thanks for Critism LH, I appreciate it. I'll do better for the next round.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need more fakers to begin!

THE ROUNDS HAVEN'T STARTED YET!!!!! Ughhhhh, I will consider starting when a few more people sign up.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need more fakers to begin!

What the heck, I'll join! Here is my round 1 entry!

RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need more fakers to begin!

Alright I will consider starting round one after another person enlists
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need one more faker to begin!

I have a question how do you put the pictures and how do you customize