Fake Card Contests!! Now YOU can judge the cards (until this thread eventually dies out.)

RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need one more faker to begin!

infernape, the first round needs to be lv.x's or EXs.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Need one more faker to begin!

As what? A faker? If so your in!

Round one will begin as soon as everyone sends in there round one card!
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One to begin shortly!


Here is my round 1 entry.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One to begin shortly!

Round One has begun! I need the Round one entries from the following people:
Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach
Stryker Z

If these people don't post an example by 6:00 PM CST on Tuesday, they will be disqualified.
Judges: PM your judgings to me as soon as possible. Same rules apply to the judges.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One ends Tuesday at 6:00 PM CST!

Guy with website-like name: Bulky, but incrediably weak. Weakness is bad, far too little for an EX/L. X. 3 for 70 is very meh for a Stage 1 EX. The previous Steelix EX had the capability to snipe for 100. His retreat cost is incrediably. Onix has a higher one. Oh, and your W/R is very wonky... 4.7/10
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One ends Tuesday at 6:00 PM CST!

I'll wait until everyone enters their entries.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One ends Tuesday at 6:00 PM CST!

Ok maybe my rules weren't clear for the judges:

1. We will do the judging at the end of the round, whether everybody is done or not.
2. The judging will be private. PM me with your judging (that means you LH).
3. I will list the average scores the next day.
4. If you don't send me your judging by the day after the round ends, you will no longer be a judge.

I still need the cards for the following people:
Stryker Z
Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One ends tomorrow at 6:00 PM CST!

/me wonders where it stated he had to wait*

Would've helped if you said that earlier.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One ends tomorrow at 6:00 PM CST!

I'm keeping my broken Arecus Lv.X for the 1st round also. (like most people have done so already)
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One ends today at 6:00 PM CST!

I can PM Dragom Rider, he's one of my friends here
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One ends today at 6:00 PM CST!

DROPB PMed my earlier and said he couldn't find a tutorial (WHY DID HE SIGN UP!?) so he's out.

Round 1 has ended. Judges: I need you to PM your scores by 8:00 PM CST. If you don't, your out.
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One judging ends tomorrow at 8:00 PM CST!

I'll be PM'ming you Golem
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One judging ends tomorrow at 8:00 PM CST!

Is it too late to join this as a competitor?
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One judging ends tomorrow at 8:00 PM CST!

Yeah. Judging ends tonight, and judging is full up
RE: Fake Card Contest!! Round One judging ends tomorrow at 8:00 PM CST!

Well... bah. >_> When and how can I join the fun next time?