Fake Card Discussion

Consider it an early christmas present:


CMP feel free to create your own blanks, mine show inaccuracies due to the quality of the scans used at the time, but I plan on fixing them when i get a minute - there aint that much to do :).

EDIT - not a simple task without the original psd, since direct rips from the png would be ny-on impossible to pull off without having sections of the original texture leftover, which would particularly show up on lighter image backgrounds. On a side note, today's my birthday :) yet you people still have me working sheesh!
More epicness from Latioso! --- Birthday? Happy freakin' birthday mate :D
May you get the biggest christmas cake ever seen on history :p
Too bad I won't be using that in a while, since I'm on a faking hiatus. Still, very good Latios. Happy B-Day!
Awesome, thanks Latios! And a very happy birthday to you as well!

(And just so you're aware, I didn't mean any offense regarding your blanks -- they're still fantastic!)
Epic win from the LatiMeister! I'll be using that one, hopefully tonight. I know just whose art to use too...

Et felix dies tibi sit...
Nice blank, and happy b-day! I also noticed that the Pikachu has a faint {L} in the middle of the blank. But wait, I think I figured out to fake it, just making sure people notice that (if it hasn't been very obviously said somewhere else).

Here's an updated, more accurate version :)

Been doing some original card ripping today (Black/White sets) and am trying to get the holosheets down; as close as I can that is. The image below is what I made up in the last 40mins.

Ignore the quality of everything, its not a finished template by any means, just a quick knock up to see where things might be and how it looks :
