Welcome back, man. Either way works, but in-thread is probably better so it's up on both the first page and the most recent one.
It's good to be back, thanks for having me!
In that case, I'll just post this here:
https://www.pokemonaaah.net/news/2022/03/blanksxmas/ — This is my first official blanks release in some 15 years: my "Neo Redux, Japanese Edition" blanks! ... Well, the name is tentative, I totally missed the fact that
@CMP used the name "Neo Redux" on
their own blank collection, and I'd hate to steal that name from them. So I'll think of something. In the meantime, however, these blanks are officially official and ready to be used.
A quick outline of its features and intentions is... the entire "(formerly) Neo Redux" project was to remake Neo blanks. The issue was that the original card layout itself was consistant in many way, but inconsistant in others. I ultimately discovered that there is no "perfect" form of Neo blanks—whether in Japanese or Wizards-designed, they all vary in different ways even from one another—so I made some executive decisions to arrive at a reasonable "average" of a design. That said, for the most part they're indistinguisable from actual cards.
The most significant change I made was the removal of the "crown" that was added to Darkness and Metal-type cards, as well as including English-language versions of the blanks:
But what I did instead was add the crown to the symbol sheet, so that fakers can include the crown on any card they want. I think that's a fair trade-off! As for the English version, they're partially so that fakers don't need to rely on the Japanese version, but also as a sign of things to come: I'll be working on a proper "Expert Pack" version of the blank where you can swap in different backgrounds, mix-and-match type icons, as well as changing the language of the card's text. So instead of just Japanese and English, you'll soon be able to make Spanish Neo cards, French Neo, Korean Neo... even Klingon Neo!
(Although, is there a Klingon word for "retreat" and "weakness"??)
Bear in mind, however, this release is based on the Japanese Neo sets. The Wizards of the Coast version will be a separate release, but the end goals of the "(formerly) Neo Redux" project will remain the same. In fact, both version basically use the same backgrounds and "Neo Swoops" in order to maintain a degree of consistency across the entire project.
You can find out more about what I've got on the site, but I hope this is just the start of the revival of my faking career. I can't wait to show everyone what's next!