Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration. MOAR photos!


Pokemon Master
After getting....


Gyarados 3.1




Shuppet/Dunsparce Donk


Vilegar Lost


Shaypluff 2.0 - Vilepluff reborn?

Umbrizor 1- Survives? Klingkazor?

These have served me well for the past season and will be dearly missed. Onto HGSS on....
RE: Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration.

>Uploads a picture of sableye and 59 regular darkness

RIP sabledonk
RE: Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration.

Goodbye Hartlock, I'll bring you back somehow.
RE: Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration.

Bye Dialgachomp and Magnerock.
RE: Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration.

Goodbye Chenlock, may you rest in peace with all of your other SP friends...

RE: Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration.

Hey longtime Darkvoid! if it wasn't for your trades, I wouldn't have been able to build some of the stuff in the photos.
Zecklock tech in Reshiboar seems to work as a good tech against Blastoise. Run 8 full arts=win
RE: Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration.

Poor Porygon-Z... Never really was shown any love with all the Gengar and SP that was running around.

BTW, my eyes hurt from all of your Rev. Holos and Holo Energy. :p
RE: Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration.

RIP Shupcattymin (Shuppet/Delcatty/Shaymin), even though it didn't win anything that much, it'll still bring memories to me :(
RE: Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration.

CHARIZARD! Dx I've been using you for over a year now. I've used other decks in that same time span, but they never worked as well as you so I would always switch back. You were such a good deck! With your beautiful Spiritomb starts slowing down the competition. Your awesome draw power, Ninetales, combined with Typhlosion Prime to make Charizard's incredible Burning Tail easier to use so you can easily sweep my opponent's field. When I slapped on that Rescue Energy you just never seemed to stop swarming, Charizard. Every time I used you I got a little better. And I know if I could continue to use you in tournaments, instead of always top cutting, we would have eventually taken first place together.

And thus ends the sad story of my favorite deck... D; I thought I'd give it a proper goodbye, so instead a short sentence, I gave it a nice short paragraph (I dare you guys to make one! xP). I don't think any of you could love a deck the same way I loved Charizard.... :'(
RE: Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration.

^ you are wrong. Every time you used charizard it didn't get better. YOU got better
RE: Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration.

guiltysky said:
^ you are wrong. Every time you used charizard it didn't get better. YOU got better
This is the most inspirational thing I have ever heard. Well done good sir/madam.

Farewell Gyarados and Luxchomp.
Afro-G said:
Every time I used you I got a little better.
guiltysky said:
^ you are wrong. Every time you used charizard it didn't get better. YOU got better
That's what I said. =P

Twas also quite fun playing against SP. Playing against LuxChomp wasn't too bad as long as I could get the T1 Spiritomb.
Blaziken was a nightmare though... Always dragging up Typhlosion Prime... o_o
Ah...I'm glad to say goodbye to these decks. Goodbye people whining about cards like Sableye, hello people...complaining about Zekrom Donk. Hmm. Not too good of a trade-off.
Oh well.

Now, I'm not exactly someone who plays meta decks, so I play a lot of...fun decks, so to say. Some of these decks are below, in order of how much I'll miss 'em.
1. T-Rex on Roller Skates: Otherwise known as a Rampardos deck. Easily my favorite deck out of all of them.
2. T-Tar: I built it shortly after SF came out. Although now it fails in comparison to T-Tar Prime, who can spread for 10 less for 4 less energy, at the time, I loved it. I remember beating an almost unwinnable matchup at the time; Kingdra. inb4 THAT KINGDRA SUCKED LOLOLOL I'll miss you, you Godzilla-thing, you.
3. Raichu: If only Fighting types weren't as popular, then maybe Raichu would have gotten more of a chance to shine. Without Raichu SF and Raichu Lv.X, the deck fell apart even further than it had in the past (with the loss of Electivire SW). If only it stayed in the format, then Pachirisu CL could be played with it to get more use out of the regular SF Raichu.
4. Palkario: Palkia G Lv.X and Lucario CL. Without PGX, the deck will obviously lose a lot of its speed. Not to mention it also allowed bench disruption, which put pressure on my opponents.
5. Lunasol: Though it was weakened with the loss of the GE Lunatone and Solrock, Lunasol was always one of my favorite decks. It wasn't terrible, but it could hold its own. It was easily the funnest deck I've ever played.

Arceus... sob. I know this isn't a good time but I really disagree with your build... I ran Arceus MD-on since before the format even was MD-on and I really managed to get a great list in MD-BW.
Porygon-X said:
Poor Porygon-Z... Never really was shown any love with all the Gengar and SP that was running around.

Sob. I'm going to miss that deck. :'( It really did lose it's popularity at the MD-on rotation, with the loss of Claydol, but this rotation killed nearly every card that it the deck used. That deck won me a Battle Roads, and I'm sure I could have gone farther given the chance. Decks like Donchamp, Vile(anything, especially Gengar with the Level X to get rid of Dialga G Lv.X), really killed it's popularity, and I wish it could have had a strong last season. I have so many great things to say about that deck. I remember how there was this one master at my league who always HATED that deck. I beat one of the best masters at my league with that deck, a feat I never accomplished with another deck. The deck was a draw engine within it's main attacker, like Magnezone Prime, so it was just quick to set up and quick to recover. So many good memories.

With this rotation I'm also getting rid of my Vilepluff deck. A Stage 2 deck in HGSS-on can't afford to run trainer lock with cards like Rare Candy and Pokemon Communication being so crucial. That deck placed me 5th at Regionals, my best record so far at an event bigger than a Battle Roads. I'm going to miss it so much. That was a truly fun deck. :'(

On another note, good riddance to:
• Gyarados
• SP
• SableDonk
Good bye Luxchomp. and good riddance. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

ALso, goodbye Sablelock. You were in the format in my area under Yoshi for about 2.5 years now, you will be sorely missed.
I'm gonna miss my Leafeon Tank. Played it for 3 Years and even though it wasn't too good, I worked really hard on that deck. I hate rotations. Even if it was PL-On it would have survived, it wouldn't be good though

RIP Leafeon X, Leafeon RR, Espeon MD and Umbreon MD, Dawn Stadium, and everything else that made this deck good.
i have a sableye...i wonder what its punishment should be... :p

i ran speedpluff before rotation....oh BTS you will be missed