Farewell MD-on. Post up your decks in commemoration. MOAR photos!

Goodbye DialgaChomp. You were my secondary deck at many times, and you proved to be pretty good and consistent too.

Goodbye Gyarados. I remember running you for states and regionals in the 09-10 year, and you happened to survive for yet another year once Junk Arm came out. Although I may've not used for in the 10-11 year, I was quite close to playing you during the Spring BRs season as it was around that time you were at your best.

Most of all, goodbye Luxchomp.:( I've been running you for a year ever since Spring BRs in the 09-10 year of the Pokemon TCG. You have given me so many successes, including top cut in Nats 2010, winning many BRs, winning two cities and top cutting in another city championship, and top cutting in states this year as well. Now you have to go, and it'll be quite sad to see you leave. I salute to you oh great Luxchomp, and I'll miss you dearly. Enjoy your time in unlimited.

Oh well, with my goodbyes delivered, it is now time for me to look on to the HS-on format.
goodbye umbrezor, ill miss you.... hello klink, you gave me my first to cut....but hello scizor/klinklang/counterteks.
Meh, I mean, I had fun using DialgaChomp, but I wanted to use an Absol Prime/Metagross SV/Miasma Valley bench lock. Sounded so much fun.

Haha sup melvin :D! Nice thread
What will I miss?

Well, fainting Spell Gengar for 1! Gengar always been my favourite pokemon (followed VERY close by luxray) and the SF gengar is my favourite :) This means I will miss Vilegar. It was my first "meta" deck and first deck that was competitive.

I'll miss Dialgachomp, my first SP deck that I ever built after getting sucked into the hype :p I'll miss my battleroads winning Kingdra Swarm Deck (which beat the G-Dos list guilty posted in OP) Luxray (AR) will be missed to :(

Promogon :( I never got to build this deck, I got close to getting all the cards but now it seems like a waste! Most lvl-X cards will be missed, great sexy artwork on alot of them :) Just a cool concept!

Never fear! My first HGSS-on deck has been tested for awhile, and I have almost finished building it (and it's already almost all R/H cards)
cole said:
(and it's already almost all R/H cards)
Because that totally makes you a better player

Also, I can't believe I haven't seen anybody say this yet (but I'm not going back to find out)...goodbye, Uxie LA. Though many will argue, there has never been, IMO, a better topdeck from DP onwards. Such a cheap card with the advent of the league promo, yet so irreplaceable in every single deck.
^Wow that is so true....

Farewell sweet sweet Vilegar....
Or actually SFGar....
You were the one that made me win tournaments, the only one actually....
Heh you and you're awesome attacks and broken poke-power. ;)
Pokefan4000 said:
Uxie LA. Though many will argue, there has never been, IMO, a better topdeck from DP onwards. Such a cheap card with the advent of the league promo, yet so irreplaceable in every single deck.
Wow, you were right, people would argue. =P I think that Claydol was the best Drawpower in DP-on, and it was a league promo, too. However, I cannot "dennie" that Uxie was the second best in DP-on, and when that switched to MD-on, Uxie became the number one draw power, and it didn't fail to deliver. I just suppose that everyone was already thinking it, and didn't feel the need to say it. But I think that we all know that Uxie will be missed. If only league promo's actually had promo numbers, not the set number… *sigh*
Claydol was easily the best draw power in DP-on, it allowed for good consistent draw for a whole game. Back when Claydol was around, everything except SP decks that weren't Dialga ran it.
I will miss many cards, those being all of SV, Dialga G X, Garchomp X, Uxie and Azelf, Bebe's Search, BTS and Spiritomb amongst others. I will also miss Gengar SF - I used to run a Gengar mix with Flygon X... Another one that I'll miss.
I'll upload pics of my Cinccino and Magnegatr decks if I have time - they still feature a lot of MD-on cards, and if anyone wants to see my Flyphar (Flygon, Donphan, Gengar), I have a decklist on YouTube.
Decmaster said:
Pokefan4000 said:
Uxie LA. Though many will argue, there has never been, IMO, a better topdeck from DP onwards. Such a cheap card with the advent of the league promo, yet so irreplaceable in every single deck.
Wow, you were right, people would argue. =P I think that Claydol was the best Drawpower in DP-on, and it was a league promo, too. However, I cannot "dennie" that Uxie was the second best in DP-on, and when that switched to MD-on, Uxie became the number one draw power, and it didn't fail to deliver. I just suppose that everyone was already thinking it, and didn't feel the need to say it. But I think that we all know that Uxie will be missed. If only league promo's actually had promo numbers, not the set number… *sigh*
I didn't say best draw power. I said best topdeck. But, as for drawpower in general, yes, I agree with you.
Oh, I thought the two were interchangeable. I guess you learn something new everyday!

I suppose I should also mention I'm going to miss Shaymin Lv.X (Land Forme). That was a fun card, and without it, grass decks are just going to have to live with not being as awesome as before. Shaymin Lv.X was a fun card to tech into grass decks, and I am going to miss it.
Haha I'm the one who convinced you to put it in your Vilepluff. Maybe if you had earlier, you would've gotten higher at Regionals! :p
Im going to take a bite out of my Lux X at nats and take a pic, I'll post it after I take the pic
You'd probably still make some money selling it so I wouldn't.
piplup234 said:
Im going to take a bite out of my Lux X at nats and take a pic, I'll post it after I take the pic

Do iiiiiiit, do it do it do it!
Luxray post-rotation: maybe 20$
Taking a bite out of it: Priceless
Meaty said:
You'd probably still make some money selling it so I wouldn't.
So? Its not like anyone will buy it anyways. I'm gonna stick it on my hat with a bite out of it and people will be like "WHAAAAAAAATTTTT?"