Favorite Card


PokeBeach's Yu-Gi-Oh enthusiast. I guess.
What's your favorite card? Mine's LM gorebyss. All react energy attached to it and huntail count as 2 energy of any type. Perfect for hydro pump!
Mew ex hp, cute, strong, kills almost every stage1 or stage2 candy evolved, basic, fun Poké-power, used in my deck and the most important: MEW :D
(Older cards):
Megasaur (Venusaur & Meganium...the one with soothing sent)
Gatr Ex & Kingdra (UFO & TRR)
Jolteon ex, it doesn't look good, but it's really a killer.

Shining Tyranitar is also a beautiful card, but the attacks suck. I'm looking forward to the new ex lightning one.
We already have a favorite card thread but anyway my favorite card is charizard from the base set.:)
I know those cards are awesome.:)
Zapdos-ex. Legendary Ascent is just awesome. Moltres-ex comes in as a close second. I like playing both cards when my opponent least expects it and is at the worst possible moment for my opponent. All three of the FrLg Legendary birds are great at the element of surprise, although Articuno-ex suffers from a Metal weakness, making it prime bait for δ species monsters.

I also like the holo Neo: Revelations Ho-oh. The artwork is just awesome, and the card builds up power very quickly. Finally, my all-time favorite would be Base Set Ninetales. 80 for 4 Energy and 1 discard puts it ahead of Base Set Charizard in terms of efficiency. Works very well with Neo: Revelations Entei.
Tyranitar ex. Why? Just look at it:

I've OHKOed about.... 70+ Pokemon with this guy])
Steelix EX ALL the way.

High HP, Common Resistance types, AWESOME attack and suitable in various decks.
mew ex babeh....
Versatile all the way....
*copies ^steelix ex's mudslide and does it against it....:p
A.R.C.A.N.I.N.E.E.X. if you didn't get that it's ARCANINE EX!!! second favorite is Jungle Vaporeon(might be fossil can't ever remember) cause it was my first RARE. go Arcaaaniiiiiiineeee!!!

Arcanine out.