Favourite Member

My favorite member is...
Seriously though, Dark Giratina, Nigel and Celebi23 are really cool guys.
EDIT: Aww treegun, we like you :p, you are high on my list.
teegrun i love you.........

i also love lenny and cclown
Take this conversation to profile comments teegrun and Dustin DeVine.
Well... This is going to be a list:

Celebi23 (my hero :p)
One Approved

And anybody that listed me :D

Tell me if you feel left out. I'm a fan of everybody.

EDIT: Welcome Dark-Giratina.
teegrun said:
Cool. See? Everyone hates me....

Just because you were not mentioned on someone's favorites list does not mean they hate you. More likely than not, it probably means that person's opinion of you is neutral.
Like me. I currently have a neutral opinion of you and I don't like or hate you one way or the other.