RE: FC's Cards Thread (NEW: Kyogre FC + Majestic Regice)
So, as this is a new year, I thought I should leave a round up of the best of 2009's fakes.
Raichu: So, I know there are a few mistakes on this, and it's Metal type. For fun.
With this card, I thought that since Fire types seem to be the most powerful cards, having a weakness to fire with 60 HP would kill the thing, so I put in a low-energy attack to try and fight off fire types in peticular.
Holon's Weavile: *Find Porygon2* - the art on this was drawn by Aki the Tanuki and is pretty awesome imo. Back in the EX days Extra Swipe would be a useful thing to have.
MissingNo. delta: *Find Porygon2* - a little bit of a controversial one. I decided to fully go away with the typical water gun stuff and pressure on it being delta.
Sceptile 4: *Find Porygon2* This was first SP card, and my first go at Latios101's legendary EON blanks. Ignore the Dragonforce reference

I don't honestly know why Lance would have a Sceptile, but clearly he does now. I guess it's a bit Dragony.
Miror B.'s Ludicolo: *Find Porygon2* - Cipher FTW
Scizor FC: Heavily based off Base Set Scyther. I quite like this one
Mewtworoll: Awesome art by JSpengs. I wanted to Rickroll everyone in some way!
Dragonair: Pretty mediocre artwork, Power Frontier could kill off a lot of decks.
Darkrai Lv. X: *Find Porygon2* - My first EON Level X. There's an extra bar though xD
Suicune: Epic artwork by Xous

I based this card on the rarer cards in some sets which have the Sugimori art and cool but basic attacks. If you play the TCG, you know what I mean. This came out alright in my opinion.
Quilava FC: *Find Porygon2* - Done mainly because Hardy asked me to
Shining Latios: This is based on the shining Pokémon in the Neo series. I didn't want to stick to the (awful) DP style shining so I did something a little differently
Ice Lapras: Made with Aki & Parson's EMPOWERED blank. I can see Transport being very useful in game... I know about the typo
Chimecho: A remake of the Ex Emerald Chimecho... with a suprise.
Articuno:First card of the community PokéDex project. I kinda like it more now than I did then.
Zapdos LEGEND:Heavily inspired by the almighty Fangking's Articuno. This took absolutely ages and has errors in everywhere possible.
Slowbro +
Slowking: Two cards that are for the dex. These work together well. Originally I was going to fix the retreat cost on Slowbro, but now it's so funny I wouldn't.
Slowpoke: My own blank! Just used for experimental purposes.
Giovanni's Lugia: Gym card

Elemental too.
Metagross*: Some more Xous art which I really like.
Rocket's Zangoose ex: Back in the TRR days this would have been a killer. It was a nightmare working around that R sign.
Celebi/serebii: Accuracy undetermined.
Giant Psyduck: There's a not-so-subtle message in this XD
Porygon: I think the art is pretty good on this :>
Majestic Regice: *Find Porygon2* - This was an attempt at a new mechanic on Latios101's blank.
Kyogre FC: Artwork by Xous. As pointed out by PMJ, this would be awesome with Mantine from Mysterious Treasures.
It's been a great return to faking this year, the scene has certainly changed since I was faking back in '06. We've got several new guys in the 'industry' and the verterans are still going strong. I look forward to what 2010 will show. Good luck everyone!