BW/BW2 Fifth gen stat evaluation (Updating with 'Dream World' Abilities + moves)

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RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

Pure power is useless if you don't have the defenses or the speed to use it properly. I still like Enbuoo, but his stats aren't that great.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

@Mew the source of all,
I agree with that! But really, i like Enbuoo
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

dude 123 atacck tsutaja will die in one hit he has no hp and the denfences arnt that high for tsutaja.. they killed tsutajas stats -_-.. yeah i know what you mean its slow but if you read his pokedex entry it says he uses attacks that raise speed and to me thats pretty badass cuz he is gonna hit hard and at the same time gain speed.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

As strong as it is, enbouu suffers wailord syndrome. High hp but no defenses to back it up. Should have infested all that spare special attack into defense and special denfese. That way itd be a strong physical tank with great sp def too. But thats just because im not a mixed sweeper user(like a special gyrados).
Snakebait could have atleast gotten even stats all around, excepty speed. Whats it going to do once it goes first? And trickroom would be its death. Should have swapped defense with special attack.

As strong as it is, enbouu suffers wailord syndrome. High hp but no defenses to back it up. Should have infested all that spare special attack into defense and special denfese. That way itd be a strong physical tank with great sp def too. But thats just because im not a mixed sweeper user(like a special gyrados).
Snakebait could have atleast gotten even stats all around, excepty speed. Whats it going to do once it goes first? And trickroom would be its death. Should have swapped defense with special attack.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

your forgetting his really high attack. and his moves that raise speed. he is not suppose to be a tank they just made him have hp because its a pig and it goes wit it.. and 110 hp its pretty high to support the defences. not like tsutaja, that thing just plain sucks.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

Zero20 is right- while Pokabu is the ugly starter he has INSANE attack, and better defenses than infernape did. Yet infernape still managed to be an awesome pokemon in OU. Infernape has speed, Pokabu doesn't. It doesn't matter, because pokabu can take a hit and then hit back super hard with that epic attack. His special attack isn't too bad either, just not as good as his epic attack.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

"Nuttre: This guy is simply interesting. Being the first Grass/Bug he offers a unique type."

Come again?

RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

Bugaham thank you :)

.. and yeah although its kinda slow its suppose to have moves to raise his speed and with his epic attack he is gonna destroy everthing.. not like poor tsutaja i dont see it destrying ANYTHING! :/ kinda sad but owell pokabu is always been my fav
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

The question is will he last long enough to boost his speed?

its base defense and speed stats suck, so that means regardless what ability you are running, he will get hit first and hard. Then any damage from the recoil of his attacks will take him out. This all adds up to fire porker being a Glass Cannon.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

haha ok dude u just dont wanna accept the truth. he has better defences than both inferape and blazeken.. because of its hp.. its defences will probably be around 80.... it can take a hit.. and then it hits with supper hard close combat and there the other poke is dead :)

what is tsutaja gonna do to it?? haha nothing.. maybe mijumarus last evo but if pokabus is faster it will probably take mijus last evo in one hit if trained rite.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

beats em both in physical attack, and loses to both in special attack and speed (speed by a lot)

In any case

Gen 5 fire starter <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Speed boost Blaziken <3

Oh, and about Miju?

Especially now that Rain Dance teams just got a massive power boost with all of the new Dream World abilities? Fire is going to be a tough type to pull off in all tiers, but I can see it really hurting Emboar in the lower tiers.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

Oh ok i see your point now. Its still better then snakebait. Nitro charge could be really fun, especially with blaze and stab in play.
Wonder what samurtide gets? I know it has megahorn and aquajet, but surf will be more powerful. Has higher sp attack but just barely. Itd be great if it got earthquake and brick break.
Also, that dog. Sounds like it can pack a punch in game with the fang moves and a sandstorm boost.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

haha tsutaja is gonna be NU(neverused tier) and pokabu and miju either UU(underused) or BL (borther line) im sure.

i know thank you for understanding frostwind>>> i cant wait to try pokabu.. if you use it good it can be a reall kick as*
with nitro charge and the other moves..
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

Ninetales gets drought, charizard has solar power and venasaur has chylorophyll.
Sunny day wont outsmart raindance teams, but i think they both get upgraded a bit.
Boaruption with a fire form of motor drive (the speed not like flashfire) would be great.
What will samurtide be? Not a seeper, maybe a mixed tank?
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

im guessing you mean mijus last? well if you are i think its gonna be a mix sweeper mainly because his defence and sp defence cant support it being a tank. i think it can take some hits but not enough hits but in the other hand it can both surf and shell blade hard. so im kinda scared of mijus last form.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

Ahh, it's nice to see my little vulture getting some love. Looks like it'll have a nice little spot in my team. >:3
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

I prefer wargle, but its still pretty good in terms of stats and looks.
I really thing mijus evo could be a great sweeper like zero explained.
Surf would dominate but so would sheel blade/aqua jet. See ya in the OU.
I think the zebra will be seen. Its stats are average/above average to me. Nitro charge on chandeleer or other ff pokemon. Increase in speed and boosting a friends fire power?
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

yes mijus evo is gonna be a really cool poke to try.. but my fav is pokabu so ima try him first.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

Well i need movesets now. Chandeleer is already my fire user so samurtide seems the best choice for me.
In terms of stats, which is better crookodile3 or doryuzu? Megurokos last evolution seems the most well rounded but doryuzu is better at attack.

Well i need movesets now. Chandeleer is already my fire user so samurtide seems the best choice for me.
In terms of stats, which is better crookodile3 or doryuzu? Megurokos last evolution seems the most well rounded but doryuzu is better at attack.
RE: Fifth gen stat evaluation (Legendaries evaluations added)

i think doryuzu is better it has really high attack and hp and his speed isint that bad and you can used the ability that raises his speed or attack. the crock is good but the mole is pure win!
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