BW/BW2 Fifth gen stat evaluation (Updating with 'Dream World' Abilities + moves)

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Its completely worth it, but i eish it was atleast 55 or lower. The only thing is, is that the prevolution forms can hold their own.
Question? If jaroda has the same ability as wargle in the dw, does that mean wargle can get those stat boosts to? Wargle could really compete with staraptors speed it it constantly got its stas boosted with superpower.
I see the wtr/gho jellyfish ill be calling royale with kyogre. Its stats are decent, great movepool and water absorb. Also see that grs/stl thing in OU. It has tons of resistances!
Staraptor definitely is going to be a fun suicide lead to use, the metagame this generation is filled with surprises.

Politoed and Ninetails possibly OU? Neat. Sceptile and Blaziken getting better abilities? Yes! A lot of pokemon this gen will finally have a chance to shine after being in the abyss pit called "NU".
shuckle may see some use now that it has power share

Take shuckles poor atk stats n your opponents sweeper stats combine them than divide them in half among the 2 pokemon. Meaning that shuckle can have attack power and monstrous defenses
I hope we can breed the new abillities.
Shuckle really is scary now. Itll be fun just to annoy sweepers. Im really glad that legends dont get stuck with pressure. Starting a sandstorm team now with shuckle, meguroko3 and doryuzzu. What do garchomp, other pokemon get? How does quick feet work for jolteon.
Only bummers are jolteon without motordrive, no intimidate umbreon, and espeon with magicguard. New pokemon with magicguard will be all over sand/hal teams.
Feels like a mini shoddy,I like it do keep up the grand work. movesets have been posted.
I know which pokemon I would like in my team, but I don't if they are good enough:

Samurott/Emboar (help me to decide)

I was also thinking about Simisage and Simisear, but I really need some advice.
Learn to read the rules before you go asking for advice.
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