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First and Only Trade Thread **DISCOUNTED

RE: First and Only Trade Thread

PrinngerXo2 said:
CML for your:
x1 Tangrowth (Holo) GE
x1 Garchomp LV. X MD

I didn't see anything for the Garchomp X MD, but I would trade the Tangrowth to you for Noctowl HGSS or if you have any TGI t/s/s i would trade for those. i like dce, call energy, stuff like that...lmk if you got anything like that
RE: First and Only Trade Thread

Angel117117 said:
Do you have
Minun SV
Manectric G
Electrivre FB and FB X
Rayquaza C
Rotom SV

i dont have the ray c or the elect fb's, but i do have others...make an offer.

JakeKaplan95 said:
I have an offer:

spiritomb PA

2x rare candies

LMK what u think

sorry but one rc is worth 1 spiritomb
RE: First and Only Trade Thread


I happen to have a Swampert from GE. However, on the left corner of the card, you can see a shiny line. Everything else on the card is fine besides that. If you were still interested in it, I was interested in your Brock's Ninetails.
RE: First and Only Trade Thread

i just realized swampert ge is a .59 card and its not worth the trade unless its a throw in...do you have any good t/s/s?
RE: First and Only Trade Thread

Thegame8228 said:
i just realized swampert ge is a .59 card and its not worth the trade unless its a throw in...do you have any good t/s/s?

What in particular are you looking for?
However, some good t/s/s that I have are...

x2 Luxury Ball
Xx Prof. Oak's New Theory
Xx Prof. Oak's Visit
x3 Power Spray
Xx Volkner's
RE: First and Only Trade Thread


x1 Brock's Ninetales(JPN)


x3 Power Spray
x1 Cresselia GE
x1 Swampert GE