if it was any pokemon adp would become a lot better and no one wants thatAre you joking? Could melony not have been for Evolutions??? Did they HAVE to print more V support? Who's running THIS GAME???? MONKIES?
I guess empoleon + scrolls + passimian work to do 60 to mew + 60 to the other pokemons, other that that not sure what he was thinking exactly.When did it ever leave? Empoleon only shuts things if it's in the active spot, as soon as it goes to the bench and Urshifu becomes active to use G-Max Flow Mew is working again... As far as the rest of what you said goes, I can't make heads or tails of it, my goodness.
When did it ever leave? Empoleon only shuts things if it's in the active spot, as soon as it goes to the bench and Urshifu becomes active to use G-Max Flow Mew is working again... As far as the rest of what you said goes, I can't make heads or tails of it, my goodness.
VS. RS Urshifu + Empoleon V:
I thought empoleon v applied to the Bench too, and I thought that Strafe can lead to mew's ability being locked AND limit Calyrex's ability to set up while RSU sets up behind the cover of a Rare Fossil, and I thought the stadium could fix that, at the cost of Calyrex not being able to set up due to its ability being disabled too... Misread and mistaken.
Ice Rider + Inteleon MFI/Shadow Rider VS. Eternatus:
Shadow Rider:
Lead with Cress, put down Old Cemetery immediately if you can, then use billowing fan or crushing hammer to remove energy from eternatus, bench 2 Calyrex V, 1 Crobat V, and 1 Blipbug, then use Cress's acceleration attack. Next, on your second turn, SupN Cress, Crobat V to Candy Bilpbug into Orbeetle, evolve the 2 Calyrex V into Calyrex VMAXes to accelerate further under the cover of an Active Orbeetle Battle Styles, while being mindful of bench space, and Twin Energy, or even single Energy, to get Chandelure RCL onto the Bench, and if Avery's used, you can discard the Bats, and NOT having to worry about discarding one of your vmaxes, and with Chandelure's ability in play, no need to mourn the coming loss of Weakness Guard Energy from Standard, and you don't have to worry about eternatus weakness, UNLESS in the event the ability is "ordered" out. But hopefully, by the time Chandelure's dropped down, ordered out or not, you can use another SupN to put Orbeetle back in hand to make room for another Calyrex V, and maybe 2HKO Eternatus VMAX if he doesn't "order" Chandelure out, finish the game from there w/ your VMAX...
Ice Rider:
Lead w/ Blipbug, and same steps as above, only with these changes: the stadium can be the Path to the Peak instead of Old Cemetery, and wait instead of attack-to-accelerate(no Cress here), and other than that, same as before, only that you can add Inteleon MFI on top of Chandelure RCL on Orbeetle's evolution-cheating attack...![]()
Old Cemetery is indeed pretty neat, but it’s also a 1 to 1 reprint of frozen city, except psychic types are immune. It really blows my mind how creatively bankrupt they’ve been in the swsh era. So many cards are just rehashes of BW-SM cardsWe have
- Psychic Volcanion
- Water Welder
- Psychic Net Ball
- Psychic Rayquaza but acceleration is from hand with Zoroark's trade in built in
- Ultra Necrozma but Water type
- Power Plant but for everything
The most interesting card here is Old Cemetery, which enables the already annoying Galarian Cursola and Dracozolt decks to build even more damage counters on opponent's Pokémon. We're heading into a triangle meta once again - Dark > Psychi > Fighting, and fortunately with the rotation of ADP soon, single-prize decks will have a chance to compete. Metal will likely remain prominent into the meta, what with Cheryl Bronzong decks and Zacian turbo, Water with Calyrex Ice and Frosmoth, and Grass has two native accelerators in Cherrim and Rillaboom, we only need a good attacker. A shame for Fire which will likely plunge into the depths of irrelevance after Welder rotates, and Lightning, whose only remaining acceleration will be Electrode.
Still, given how prominent Calyrex Shadow will be, and the three-prize liability that it becomes when it can't win the prize race, single prizers should do well as long as they are able to consistently evolve and attack. This is my biggest consolation, they just need to print better single-prize darkness and psychic pokémon.
Happens in card games. Sometimes the design space just overlap with each other, or it's an intentional functional reprint, just in another color.Old Cemetery is indeed pretty neat, but it’s also a 1 to 1 reprint of frozen city, except psychic types are immune. It really blows my mind how creatively bankrupt they’ve been in the swsh era. So many cards are just rehashes of BW-SM cards
I guess empoleon + scrolls + passimian work to do 60 to mew + 60 to the other pokemons, other that that not sure what he was thinking exactly.
thanks for correcting, I have read that card way to quickly. I guess it's Boss or Inteleon then, Mustard + Inteleon could be fun (If you're already playing mustard).Similar to Telescopic Sight Passimian only increases the damage done to bench Pokémon V and Pokémon GX. Your options to handle Mew are Falinks combined with Boss's Orders or Inteleon's Quick Shooter. In both cases you do not need to expose Rapid Strike Urshifu Vmax to deal with Mew.
Shadow Rider Calyrex. I'm sorry I'm just not as hyped as everyone else on this card. As a support pokemon who wants to power up other Psychic pokemon, ABSOLUTELY!! As it's own stand alone deck, I just don't see the power being there without drawing extremely well, even then you need alot to reach Ice Rider's level of power and for everything to go right. This is where my problem lies in the deck alone. You absolutely need to go second no matter what. Cresselia's attack is also a must but leaves you vunerable because you're putting all your energy into one pokemon. If I'm any deck, I would try my best to gust up that shadow calyrex on the bench with loaded energy for game instantly. Also a KOed Shadow Calyrex is 100 extra damage gone + the loss of energy acceleration. So yeah, looks amazing on paper but in a fast paced metagame (even post rotation) I'm not sold on it.
I've been thinking about these two all day. And the best things to come out of these reveals is the support they'll receive.
Cresselia is an amazing starter for Psychic decks all around. Unfortunately it's NOT as good as Volcanion due to be limited to only ONE pokemon and not spread the energy ANYWHERE you like. Also this means you must go second every game if you're relying on cresselia for your Psychic deck. Going first in Welder deck that plays Volcanion isn't the worse thing ever, going second is just better.
Melony. Ok I really really love this card. She opens up options for how you want to build your decks and is not as busted as Welder. BTW something no one has mentioned is that she is not limited to only Water V pokemon. I can see a deck in the future that may want to play some sort of V toolbox that utilizes Melony+ a special energy. (looking at a possible rapid strike box)
Fog Crystal will be an instant 4 of in all psychic decks. Net Ball for psychic pokemon lol who is saying no to not adding 4 of them in your deck.
Path to Peak. For the time being this will be a great inclusion to make the "Plant+Stamp" combo stronger. It's funny that this card gives Ice Rider Calyrex a much better Match up against straight Zacian Decks. Hurting their ability to intrepid sword slows them down tremendously.
Old Cemetery+Path to Peak will most likely make players run more stadium cards in their decks. Frosmoth decks will HATE old Cemetery and a bunch of decks won't appreciate that extra 20 damage. This also brings alot of value to Sabeleye decks. Hopefully this what it was missing to make it more viable lol
Ice Rider Calyrex. I might be one of the very few that likes this one over the Shadow Rider as an attacker. If 250 for 2 was on a fire pokemon with Welder in the format everyone would instantly scream busted on it (Yes I know Welder is better than Melony but the similarity is the same for this card) Another thing to love about this card is the early turn pressure it can give your opponent, extremely similar to Victini VMAX. A benched V with an energy attached is vulnerable to be gusted next to turn and KOed with little effort. That pesky metal weakness though, can never overlook that.
Shadow Rider Calyrex. I'm sorry I'm just not as hyped as everyone else on this card. As a support pokemon who wants to power up other Psychic pokemon, ABSOLUTELY!! As it's own stand alone deck, I just don't see the power being there without drawing extremely well, even then you need alot to reach Ice Rider's level of power and for everything to go right. This is where my problem lies in the deck alone. You absolutely need to go second no matter what. Cresselia's attack is also a must but leaves you vunerable because you're putting all your energy into one pokemon. If I'm any deck, I would try my best to gust up that shadow calyrex on the bench with loaded energy for game instantly. Also a KOed Shadow Calyrex is 100 extra damage gone + the loss of energy acceleration. So yeah, looks amazing on paper but in a fast paced metagame (even post rotation) I'm not sold on it.
Ok, so, Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX. Looks pretty good, very straight forward. There's enough water support to make it work I would assume, between Frosmoth, Capacious bucket and Melony. It can work like Victini does, trying to always go first so it can Boss and murder whatever they were setting up turn two. With guaranteed 250 damage it should be more than enough to accomplish that pretty consistently. Plus, since we've mentioned it, Victini is pretty good, early data confirms that, in case anyone was still sleeping on the card (and only tends to get better once rotation happens and there's no more GXs that it can't hit for 220), so that's good for this card.
hi, but that stadium will stop empoleon v's ability>That stadium
oh my god...that is terrifying lol. How is anybody gonna play anything?!
My deck is gonna have a 4-of of this stadium, and 4-of Empoleon V. Have fun doing nothing.
People are also behaving like Shadow Ryder Calyrex doesn't have access to all the consistency in the world between Crobat, Dedenne and supporters. Even if you discard them or they get KO'd, you can quickly recover them with Klara - people are assuming they get lost forever when they don't, and in a deck like this, Klara easily seems a must-have. You can recover your Shadow Rider V-Max and 2 extra energies to attach. The field where you can attach 5 per turn and draw 8 cards is obviously something you can't manage every game, but this is no different to Zoroark, where the consistent draw power + damage output easily ends up overtaking other decks. This is Shadow Rider biggest advantage in the format, IMO. That it isn't as weak to Stamp/Marnie as other decks, that as long as you have a Shadow Rider in play, a Klara, a Psychic Ball or some way to draw into energies, you can easily rebuild your board. The fact that the deck also has an excellent starter in Cresselia, or can go first and try to setup three Calyrex Shadow on bench - to go ham next turn - only makes it more consistent. You don't have to put all eggs on a single basket.
Also, if Zacian/Victini become such a problem in the long run, you can start including Cape of Toughness in your deck. IMO, the thing actually holding Shadow Rider from overtaking the meta - just like with Zoroark - will be a massive weakness, in this case to Darkness. After rotation happens, you can't even include Weakness Guard Energy, and your best bet would be to mix with Alcremie V-Max.