Hello everybody, I'm thinking about building a Standard fire deck with Steam Siege before the Worlds just to play in the card shop of my area.
The strategy is to charge a Flareon-Ex with Fightning Fury Belt attached with Max Elixir, Blacksmith and Volcanion (which both can be pumped with Volcanion-Ex Ability, which helps discarding energy for Blacksmith and reducing hand size to use Shaymin.
I made a list which is totally subjected to changes, so I would like to hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
12 Pokemon:
3 Flareon-Ex
3 Volcanion-Ex
3 Volcanion
1 Hoopa-Ex
2 Shaymin-Ex
36 Trainers:
4 Trainers Mail
4 Ultra Ball
2 Professor's Letter
4 Max Elixir
3 Fighting Fury Belt
3 Float Stone
2 Battle Compressor
4 Vs Seeker
3 Blacksmith
3 Professor Sycamore
2 Lysandre
1 N
1 Ninja Boy
12 Fire Energys
The strategy is to charge a Flareon-Ex with Fightning Fury Belt attached with Max Elixir, Blacksmith and Volcanion (which both can be pumped with Volcanion-Ex Ability, which helps discarding energy for Blacksmith and reducing hand size to use Shaymin.
I made a list which is totally subjected to changes, so I would like to hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
12 Pokemon:
3 Flareon-Ex
3 Volcanion-Ex
3 Volcanion
1 Hoopa-Ex
2 Shaymin-Ex
36 Trainers:
4 Trainers Mail
4 Ultra Ball
2 Professor's Letter
4 Max Elixir
3 Fighting Fury Belt
3 Float Stone
2 Battle Compressor
4 Vs Seeker
3 Blacksmith
3 Professor Sycamore
2 Lysandre
1 N
1 Ninja Boy
12 Fire Energys