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Standard Flareon-EX / Volcanion

Gunther Spindler

Aspiring Trainer
Hello everybody, I'm thinking about building a Standard fire deck with Steam Siege before the Worlds just to play in the card shop of my area.
The strategy is to charge a Flareon-Ex with Fightning Fury Belt attached with Max Elixir, Blacksmith and Volcanion (which both can be pumped with Volcanion-Ex Ability, which helps discarding energy for Blacksmith and reducing hand size to use Shaymin.
I made a list which is totally subjected to changes, so I would like to hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance.

12 Pokemon:
3 Flareon-Ex
3 Volcanion-Ex
3 Volcanion
1 Hoopa-Ex
2 Shaymin-Ex

36 Trainers:
4 Trainers Mail
4 Ultra Ball
2 Professor's Letter
4 Max Elixir
3 Fighting Fury Belt
3 Float Stone
2 Battle Compressor
4 Vs Seeker
3 Blacksmith
3 Professor Sycamore
2 Lysandre
1 N
1 Ninja Boy

12 Fire Energys
I would cut:

1 Hoopa-EX: Clogs the bench way too hard, on average your bench will look like 2 Volcanion-EX, 1 Shaymin, 1 Flareon-EX, and either another Flareon-EX or a Volcanion, depending what is your Active Pokemon

1 Blacksmith: With Battle Compressor you will be able to send Supporters to the Graveyard for VS Seeker, so you don't need to run so many

2 Professor's Letter: Doesn't make sense if you aren't running Scorched Earth as a Stadium

I would add:

1 Fisherman: Easiest way to get back energy to hand

1 Energy Retrieval: Non-Supporter way to get back energy

1 Sycamore: Consistency

1 Pokemon Ranger/N: Depending on how your meta looks like, pick one or the other

Edit: You also might want to run an Entei or two to get cheap prize trades
What I noticed in my blacksmith deck was that using blacksmith stopped you from using a draw supporter. In order to make my deck more effective I used scorched earth and increased the energy count slightly to allow for draw when you plan on using blacksmith. For my deck to win consistently I need to be swinging big on my first attacking turn, which meant a blacksmith play. I tested 3 scorched earth and 14 energy vs 2 scorched earth and 13 energy, the 3-14 worked better for me. One bonus is that you have fewer item cards in case your opponent has t1 trevenant or vileplume.

I dropped down to 2 sycamore and 2 N and found that I preferred sycamore to N. I was often needing to draw after the first blacksmith play and then wouldn't care what was left and getting 7 cards was better, especially if my opponent was down to 1 or 2 cards and hoping that I would N. I went 3-1 sycamore to N and ran 3 battle compressor but I think 4 is probably better.

Entei is amazing in the clutch and good against night march and mega ray among other things.

I wouldn't run hoopa-ex either and then you can drop down to 2 float stones. Maybe add an entei or up the blacksmith to 4 so that t1 blacksmith play is more consistent. I found that 4 blacksmith was much better, if one gets prized and you have 2 in the deck your odds are much tougher to see it in the first 2 draws.