RE: Want: Sableye DEX and Klinklang PLS!! Have: Good Stuff!!
Sorry, but I couldn't find anything else on your thread that I need to get to 3 Lasers. So, my 1 Hypnotoxic Laser and 1 Virbank City Gym for your 1 Blastoise BDC holo?
Sorry, but I'm most likely going to trade my Cobalion to afrodaddy. I did like the Landorus' and the Keldeo's. Did you see anything else on my thread that I could trade for those?
Sorry, but I couldn't find anything else on your thread that I need to get to 3 Lasers. So, my 1 Hypnotoxic Laser and 1 Virbank City Gym for your 1 Blastoise BDC holo?
Sorry, but I'm most likely going to trade my Cobalion to afrodaddy. I did like the Landorus' and the Keldeo's. Did you see anything else on my thread that I could trade for those?