Pokemon Forgotten Pokemon

i think alot of pokemon from the hoen region that are not re-introduced in the later generations were forgotten
these include:
Poochyena/mightyena (get replaced by houndour/houndoom)

as for the rest, they were either repeated in later gen games or in the anime
Please, don't revive threads that are older than 2 weeks. omahanime

I will leave open for further discussion.
One amazing Pokemon nobody remembers: Skitty. Perhaps some of the best Pokemon are the forgotten ones, like Solrock, Altaris, Ursaring, and Marowak. Anybody agree?
The ones I tend to forget are ones like: Dustox,Clamperl,Gorebyss,Huntail,Zigzagoon,Linoone,and the one I tend to forget the most is Mawile. I'll never forget Metagross, though.:D
Yeah, I have to agree with Yoshidude10, Clampearl's line is quite forgetful to me, for some odd reason, along with Venonet's line, Corsola, Remoraid's line, Politoed, Wooper's line, and Snubbull's line, to name some. Oddly enough, many of the more "forgetful" Pokemon amongst fans are in the 2nd generation, I've noticed.
I don't forget Shedinja, mainly the fact that it the only pokemon in the entire generation that has 1 HP. I mainly forget Ninjask and Nincada, however.
Beautifly, Dustox, Wurmple, Cascoon, Silcoon, Poochyena, Mightyena there are more but remember they are forgotten :p
I'm thinking just about anything in the Poison type category could be considered forgotten. I mean seriously aside from Venusaur (because of the grass type starter clause) Gengar, and maybe Drapion, Crobat, Roserade and Toxicroak how many Poison types are really remembered. How often when someone constructs a team do they think about needing a Poison type, especially to the point where it is a must have? And when choosing a plate for Arceus, who considers making him Poison?

Ground and Rock types are a close second in my opinion, unless they have 'redeeming' factor(s), like Torterra or Swampert having a better and arguably more useful type.
Ground and Rock types are a close second in my opinion, unless they have 'redeeming' factor(s), like Torterra or Swampert having a better and arguably more useful type.
You remembered Torterra and Swampert, and forgot about Tyranitar?
In my opinion, Electrike and Manetric are the most forgotten Pokémons...
On second place we have Goldeen and Seaking...
And on third place we have Zangoose and Psyduck...
Dunsparce and Farfetch´d is commonly discussed about when (or if) they will get evolutions. And just cause they are commonly disscused, they aren´t forgotten anymore!! (And they will never be forgotten again if both of them gets two really strong evolutions!! Yes, I am talking with YOU GameFreak!!)
Dunsparce has never been forgotten. Remember, there was a Dunsparce in one of the EX sets that won Worlds. It had an attack for 1 energy that drew 2 cards from the bottom of the deck. That's why it's so famous.