Pokemon Forgotten Pokemon

I would be sad if Dunsparce really was forgotten (Seriously who could forget the SS Dunsparce)

Farfetch'd (useless bird), Grumpig, Glalie, Crawdaunt, Pelliper, Parasect...it could go on for a while.
Yes dunsparce will always remain in our hearts forever more.Can't forget useless pokemon like it.
Kangaskhan is probably among the long list of forgotten Pokemon because it's basically a fusion between Rhydon, Nidoking, and Nidoqueen.
there's a lot..sorta..suchas FARFETCH'D, QWILFISH, SHUCKLE, DUNSPARCE, GLOOM, VILEPLUME .... i hate saying the last two because they're my favorites. :-/
I took a 7 year hiatus from all things Pokemon and while I did technically forget a few, as soon as I saw them again all of the information that I had on them came back in an instant.
Yeah, Tyrogue is definitely a forgotten Pokemon.
Finneon and its evolution is pretty forgettable as well, imo.
I think most useless normal types (unless they're just annoying *Stares at Bidoof*) are 'Forgotten'. Or pokemon that are really hard to find and capture and people don't take the time to look for them or remember.
And just a pokemon I think flat-out no one except poke-experts or people who've watched that one show in the DP anime know about Phione.
Dunsparce is epic.
I can see how most people would forget it, though-probably one of the hardest non-legendary Pokemon to catch in Gen 2 and Gen 3, until it was included as a swarming Pokemon in D/P/Pt.
All y'all is forgetting the and why part of this thread...
Obviously Claydol, because after the new MD-on rotation, no one cares about him anymore.
Nevertheless I liked Claydol way before I re-discovered TCG, but I know none of you people could ever like him as much as I do.
I'm going to stump for Butterfree. In the anime Butterfree caught on early (just as it tends to do in the games), but very early on Butterfree left, not sticking around to be part of Ash's entourage.

I think the anime has a huge effect on dictating the popularity of Pokemon; Charizard was the only of Ash's starters to fully evolve and it is easily the most popular of all evolution starters.

I think had Butterfree stuck around longer in the anime, it would be more popular. What's not to love? It's a butterfly (girl appeal), has like four different move types it can learn (game appeal) and is all around cool (cool appeal).

[they didn't even make a Butterfree ex... >.< ]
Gorebyss (spelling?), the pokemon that Clampearl evolves into. It seems to have fallen off the face of the Earth. I honestly forgot about it until my sister showed me hers when we had a fun-battle.
PMJ said:
All y'all is forgetting the and why part of this thread...

Last warning guys. Make sure to give your reasoning on why you think they are forgotten, or why you think you have forgotten about them.