Pokemon Forgotten Pokemon

Tarazuma said:
90% of Gen 4 is forgotten to me, seriously, I can't remember that junk. Some of Gen 3 slips my mind as well..

I don't know if there's one single Pokemon that's overly forgotten, but I know Hypno is the most neglected. He only had like 3 minor anime appearances and never had any unique toys or plushies or anything (was just included in toy series that include EVERY Pokemon).

Even in games he's neglected. In Pokemon Stadium, there was a minigame with 4 DROWZEE'S and a PENDULUM. Made no sense, why wasn't it 4 Hypno's?

And worst of all, in Pokemon Rumble, Hypno is the ONLY fully evolved Pokemon that only has a Rank C form, the weakest rank in the game. Every single other evolved Pokemon has at LEAST a Rank B, (or Another Rank B, A or S) It's true too, I checked on Serebii's Pokemon Rumble page. Honestly, there's really no excuse for that other then Nintendo/Gamefreak downright HATES Hypno.

Psh, don't get me started at how Nintendo neglects Waluigi. I will go OFF.
Anyways, the most forgotten Pokemon in my opinion would be Dunsparce. You could call it the most popular forgotten Pokemon (if that even makes sense xD).
ManhattanTheStarr said:
Psh, don't get me started at how Nintendo neglects Waluigi. I will go OFF.
Anyways, the most forgotten Pokemon in my opinion would be Dunsparce. You could call it the most popular forgotten Pokemon (if that even makes sense xD).

Oh yeah, don't get ME started on how Nintendo neglects Waluigi, or I'll go off too >:E

And yeah, Dunspace is totally useless and forgotten, I forget about him along with the other Gen 2 single stage normal junk. He's like, the worst of the single stage normals, he dosen't even have a gimmick. He just fatly lies around in random caves until something trips over him.
Tarazuma said:
Oh yeah, don't get ME started on how Nintendo neglects Waluigi, or I'll go off too >:E

And yeah, Dunspace is totally useless and forgotten, I forget about him along with the other Gen 2 single stage normal junk. He's like, the worst of the single stage normals, he dosen't even have a gimmick. He just fatly lies around in random caves until something trips over him.

This may be kind of random, but I used to always be confused by Dunsparce's face. I thought it was this weirdo Pokemon that lays on its back, and is facing upward. xD
It makes it worse that Dunsparce was only available from swarms in G/S. Made it even rarer, even though it sucked. >__> Hopefully, they make an evolution for it so it doesn't become totally forgotten.

dmaster out.
Oh wow, I totally forgot about swarms! Qwilfish was also only obtainable via swarms. Yeah, I'm sure their rarity didn't help either one of them to be memorable :p
i think marowak is a forgotten pokemon, it is actually very good ingame but never seen the anime and most people dont know that with the item thick club its attack max at 568, which is insane
Definitely Qwilfish, as mentioned several times before. It's just one of those Pokémon you catch to complete the Pokédex and that then disappears into the depths of your PC for good.
I also agree. Qwilfish is a forgotten Pokemon. I haven't seen it much in the games and not many discuss about that Pokemon.
You know, come to think about it, Dunsparce isn't really a forgotten pokemon since we remember it as a forgotten pokemon.

I actually think that some forgotten ones maybe ones like:

Omanyte and Omastar
Boddy903 said:
You know, come to think about it, Dunsparce isn't really a forgotten pokemon since we remember it as a forgotten pokemon.

I actually think that some forgotten ones maybe ones like:

Omanyte and Omastar

Yes, most of the fossil Pokemon are easily forgotten :3
Haha, none of the Fossils are forgotten to me, I <3 them all (especially Kabutops and Anorith)
Hitmonlee! He's my favorite Pokémon and he has very little merchandise! Even in the TCG, he doesn't have many cards and they aren't strong enough for me to make a deck based around him! And there's no Hitmonlee plushe! They'll make an ugly Pokémon into a plushie just because a character in the anime has one, but they won't make a Hitmonlee one so now I need to learn how to sew and make my own! Rabble, rabble, rabble! [/rant]
I can relate to not having a plushie of your favorite, they never made a Hypno plushie either T-T
Xous said:
The one I seem to forget the most is Phione, oddly. I guess it's because I've never spent the time to train one.

Most of the pokemon mentioned are more.. unpopular rather than forgettable.
It's actually hard for me to forget dunsparce.. lol.
But seriously, when you said phione.. I couldn't even remember what it looked like! I just kept thinking of manaphy. :[
I'm gonna have to look it up. <.<
Although, Phione's quite pointless in my mind anyway. =p

Also, granbull. Very forgettable, but.. i think it may be because of its rarity in the wild. And how different it looks to its preevolution.
Pinsir...Heracross, Hariyama, Lunatone, Castform, Raichu, Metapod, Pidgeot, Sandslash, Kecleon, Dugtrio, Persian, Golduck, Golem, Doudo, Dewgong, Hypno, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Chansy, Tangela, Goldeen, Seaking, Ditto, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Mew (Trust me), Mewtwo (Again, Trust me), Furret, Ledian, Chinchou, Lanturn, Natu, Azumarill, Politoed, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Sunkern, Sunflora, Pineco, Granbull, Scizor, Ursaring, Swinub, Delibird, Phanpy, Porygon2, Smeargle, Smoochum, Celebi, Linoone, Lombre, Ralts, Surskit, Shroomish, Vigoroth, Whismur, Delcatty, Lairon, Volbeat, Illumise, Gulpin, Swalot, Numel, Spoink, Grumpig, Cacturne, Altaria, Barboach, Whiscash, Baltoy, Feebas, Shuppet, Snorunt, Glalie, Bibarel, Kricketune, Skorupi, Mantyke, Heatran, Cresselia, Regigigas, Phione.

Now I want you to look me in the eye and tell me that not once while looking through this list did you go ahhhh or Hey,it's that guy I haven't thought about for ages! or something like that.

(P.S. Yes , I did look through the whole of the national Pokedex to get this list)