Pokemon Forgotten Pokemon

I think its Makuhita, Dunsparce and Lickitung. Maybe even Porygon, who once made controversy since its first anime debut in Electric Soldier Porygon. SEIZURES ARE BEST LEFT FORGOTTEN! XD!
Drakeman said:
I think its Makuhita, Dunsparce and Lickitung. Maybe even Porygon, who once made controversy since its first anime debut in Electric Soldier Porygon. SEIZURES ARE BEST LEFT FORGOTTEN! XD!

Porygon didn't cause seizures, the missiles did...
I think whoever is not mentioned in this thread is least popular, since you aren't talking about them. Lol jk, I think Exploud, Pinsir, Corphish, and Girafarig are a few of them.
I guess what we're looking for here are Pokemon with completely unremarkable characteristics, or at least characteristics shared by others. Plenty of your pure Water types fit this bill (Kingler), as do pure Normal types (Delcatty) and Bug/Flying types (Mothim).

The most forgettable Pokemon of all time could be Silcoon, who has no interesting moves or abilities, a pathetic evolution, a gimmick (cocoon) that was covered twice in the very first generation, a Pokemon that looks almost exactly like it (Cascoon), a boring typing... yeah I could go on.

Sometimes the Anime saves Pokemon falling into obscurity too, like Chimecho and Carnivine.
I think that mantine is beginning to become forgotten.You really don't hear much talk of mantine. But you sure hear o' lot of Skarmory:(
Gulpin. That stupid thing slips my mind, even if I see it. Also, you do not hear people talking about Seedot all that often, or Lotad, or even poor Feebas.
Nincada much? That thing never really got the attention it deserved. The Pokémon near the end of Gen IV weren't exactly memorable either, like Tangrowth and Magnezone.
jirachinick said:
Wow, ALL of you guys forgot SPINDA! Most forgotten pokemon ever.

I love spinda <3 even though he was in my way of catching that one pokemon.... grrr...
i think luxray and garchomp are forgoten pokemon just kidding i would say kanghascon and barbouca i think im first one to say barbouch on pokebeach.....yea