Pokemon Forgotten Pokemon

The one I seem to forget the most is Phione, oddly. I guess it's because I've never spent the time to train one. After that comes Silcoon and Cascoon. I make sure to remember the rest of the Pokémon, though, so those are really the only ones I forget sometimes.
1. Dunsparce is not forgotten.
2. Some of these Pokemon that are being listed are some of my favorites xD (Gulpin, Zigzagoon, etc.)
Dude, Quilfish is so forgotten. I don't think any other Pokemon can be more forgotten than this guy.
Exeggutor is a forgotten one too. And I think all of the Oddish family minus Bellosom
Azul said:
Dude, Quilfish is so forgotten. I don't think any other Pokemon can be more forgotten than this guy.

dude, what's a quilfish? lol just kidding. although i dont know what it's type is. and it's attacks and abillity and all... lol im trying to forget it...
squirtli said:
Some of these Pokemon that are being listed are some of my favorites xD (Gulpin, Zigzagoon, etc.)
I can never forget Gulpin because it's so damn ugly.
PokeBlog said:
dude, what's a quilfish? lol just kidding. although i don't know what it's type is. and it's attacks and abillity and all... lol im trying to forget it...
Type is water/poison It's the Balloon Pokemon and It's abilities are poison point and swift swim.
Shuckle, Dunsparce, most fossil Pokemon, Dewgong, Politoed, Gerafarig, Smeargle, Delibird, Yanma, Quilfish, (alot of them were generation two Pokemon :/)
TheDarkLucario said:
Cloyster and Exploud two un-popular Pokemon

Hey, I love Exploud. To me and my friends, they were a staple in Hoenn. Maybe not awesome in competitive play, but still awesome.
i was looking in my platinum guide, what the heck is a zangoose? never remember that thing.
maybe politoed, gorebys, huntail...
90% of Gen 4 is forgotten to me, seriously, I can't remember that junk. Some of Gen 3 slips my mind as well..

I don't know if there's one single Pokemon that's overly forgotten, but I know Hypno is the most neglected. He only had like 3 minor anime appearances and never had any unique toys or plushies or anything (was just included in toy series that include EVERY Pokemon).

Even in games he's neglected. In Pokemon Stadium, there was a minigame with 4 DROWZEE'S and a PENDULUM. Made no sense, why wasn't it 4 Hypno's?

And worst of all, in Pokemon Rumble, Hypno is the ONLY fully evolved Pokemon that only has a Rank C form, the weakest rank in the game. Every single other evolved Pokemon has at LEAST a Rank B, (or Another Rank B, A or S) It's true too, I checked on Serebii's Pokemon Rumble page. Honestly, there's really no excuse for that other then Nintendo/Gamefreak downright HATES Hypno.