Forum Rules Question Thread

RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Does my signature meet your standards? If not please pm me or put in a meesage about it. Sometimes I make mistakes in my posts when I type and if I do make a mistake I try to fix it as soon as possible. Does this mean I will get a warning if I don't catch the mistake right away?:)
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

WPM said:
Use spelling, grammar, and capital letters. "Pikachu are a species of Pokemon that have electrical cheeks," not "pikachus is spciec of Pokémon That has elctric cheeks." Using poor grammar and spelling often labels people as "n00bs," and less people pay attention to them. When many members do this, the same consequence applies to the entire forum. Plus, using correct spelling and grammar helps you practice for school. How do you think Water Pokemon Master learned to write so well, especially better than people in his own age group? ;) If necessary, type your posts in Microsoft Word, then paste them here.

You can also use Mozzila, which haves spelling checker.
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Are 2 signatures allowed?
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

What happens if I accidently post in the wrong thread and come back a week later and I did not notice the mistake until then? I am only here once a week now?:)
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

GligarRocksMySocks said:
Iv'e read the rules. But, I was wondering if you make a spelling/grammer mistake, could it lead to becoming banned?
No you won't be banned if you make a spelling mistake. We're just encouraging people to use spelling and grammar to the best of their ability. We know that not everyone is perfect so you wont be punished if you make a mistake. It's only when people purposely spell incorrectly or use what is commonly called "leet speak".
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Read the rules. There is one thing about rule #2 though - isn't pointing out mistakes part of helping new members too? Otherwise I'm fine and I'm gonna revamp my sig for I know its too big.
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Thank you Water Pokemon master
These rules are negotiable and everyone live with it
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

I understand all of these rules. I have altered my signature a bit to make it smaller. But if anybody thinks it is still too big could they send a PM please?
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Finally a maximum signature size!

Anyhow, if you ever happen to come across this really old account "jiggly", I think that's my little brother.

Anyhow, I like the new rules, now all we can do is hope that noobs follow them, because it's been a noob-invasion these last few weeks :S
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Water Pokémon Master said:
Courtesy Rules
  1. Use spelling, grammar, and capital letters. "Pikachu are a species of Pokemon that have electrical cheeks," not "pikachus is spciec of Pokémon That has elctric cheeks." Using poor grammar and spelling often labels people as "n00bs," and less people pay attention to them. When many members do this, the same consequence applies to the entire forum. Plus, using correct spelling and grammar helps you practice for school. How do you think Water Pokemon Master learned to write so well, especially better than people in his own age group? ;) If necessary, type your posts in Microsoft Word, then paste them here.

  1. How thigh is the spelling and gramar. I think to I can sometimes have spelling mistakes because I'm from Finland and I've been read English only 3 year...;)
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Nice rules, now we can understand what most members are saying. ;)
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Is my sig to big ?

Anyway, my brother has an account to.....the champ.:) thank you.:D
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Well, I must say that a lot of restrictions placed upon signatures there, wouldn't you agree?
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Yeah, leetspeak is annoying as he- umm, the devil. Yeah...

OMG! 670x250?! That's massive! Your bandwidth costs must be through the roof, WPM! I'd cut it to 500x100 if I were in charge, but whatever, it's not my forum.
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Ok, I've read the rules & I accept it...
WPM, is my signature big??
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Why is everybody asking if the're signature is too big? There's a black box you can compare your signature on in the rules. If your signature is bigger than the box, it's too big. Easy :)
I fully agree about the signature rule. It could be smaller even.

And I have to also say that I'm not originally an english speaking person (from Finland too like Tekarit ;)) but I try my hardest to spell correctly.

Oh and I didn't see anything about double/triple ect. posting. Does the foorum have an automatic post merger thingie or should there be a rule about this?
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Well it is a courtesy rule. People are allowed to make the odd mistake. Just try your hardest to check your spelling and stuff. Though some words are spelt different in England and America and others might be dyslexic. So please don't have a go at people too much.
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Is my sig a little too big?
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

Water Pokémon Master said:
[*]The below image is the exact maximum width and height your signature can be:


Compared... Yes!

Sorry sorry! Don't ban me! XD I'm just too annoyed by the questions...
RE: Forum Rules - Everyone Must Read and Understand Before Posting

I gotcha. Looks like I might have to take out a little bit of my sig. thougn, since it might be a little big (if anyone could clarify that for me, thankees). But gotchas :]

Arcanine out.