Wi-Fi Trades Forum Shark's Clone, Pokerus, and more! Pikachu Coloured Pichu and MOVIE ARCEUS!

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RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

i want you to clone my...
shiny chimchar [twice]
shiny dratini [twice]

that ok???

as for the shiny gyarados, i wanted your TRU shaymin... and i want you to clone-trade-back for this one like we were going to do before

also, i wont be able to trade until this weekend... but we wont have to set up a time this time because i just got internet channel for my wii
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

Say can I get a clone of that PCP (as you call it) & TRU Shaymin (Timid)....for a clone of my Shiny Abra & Wishing Eevee (nature's are arpund the 980+ posts in my thread)...Abra's from the Wild (in a Master Ball) & Eevee's been breed by me.
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

Light Venusaur said:
Say can I get a clone of that PCP (as you call it) & TRU Shaymin (Timid)....for a clone of my Shiny Abra & Wishing Eevee (nature's are arpund the 980+ posts in my thread)...Abra's from the Wild (in a Master Ball) & Eevee's been breed by me.

Sure. Do you need me to clone it, or do you clone? I won't clone now, though, but later.
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

I get PikaFlash to do all of my Cloneing.
As you saw from my thread, I can only trade when I'm at his place....which will (hopefully) be next weekend or on the 4th of July or 6th of July (my B'day)....so I can use his one...
Just set them to one side for me when I'm able to trade.
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

Pikachu coloured Pichu lv30 [Japan] (Jolly, UT)

RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

Hey, guys! Check out my front page. I've added some things (rules and such) but most exiting is the banner. Credit to me for the banner.:D Also, getting a lot more shinies lately. Be sure to check it out!
RE: Forum Shark's Clone, Pokerus, more! Have Pikachu Coloured Pichu!

What exactly might I have to do to obtain the Pokerus from you?
RE: Forum Shark's Clone, Pokerus, more! Have Pikachu Coloured Pichu!

Zyko said:
What exactly might I have to do to obtain the Pokerus from you?

Well, just refer me to a friend.
RE: Forum Shark's Clone, Pokerus, more! Have Pikachu Coloured Pichu!

Hey Forum Shark. I have a legit Shiny Medicham and a legit Shiny Zubat. I'd like your Pikachu-Colored Pikachu for them. Ill only trade if you can clone my shinies and send them back, tough. Is that fine with you?
RE: Forum Shark's Clone, Pokerus, more! Have Pikachu Coloured Pichu!

ShineVini said:
Hey Forum Shark. I have a legit Shiny Medicham and a legit Shiny Zubat. I'd like your Pikachu-Colored Pikachu for them. Ill only trade if you can clone my shinies and send them back, tough. Is that fine with you?

Yeah, sure. That's great? Do you want to trade now? We'll take our arrangements to PM.
RE: Forum Shark's Clone, Pokerus, more! Have Pikachu Coloured Pichu!

Forum Shark said:
ShineVini said:
Hey Forum Shark. I have a legit Shiny Medicham and a legit Shiny Zubat. I'd like your Pikachu-Colored Pikachu for them. Ill only trade if you can clone my shinies and send them back, tough. Is that fine with you?

Yeah, sure. That's great? Do you want to trade now? We'll take our arrangements to PM.

Sure! ^^
I'll PM you.
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